puppy picture taken with Glass AI

Glass supercharges smartphone cameras with AI — minus the hallucinations

puppy picture taken with Glass AI

Image Credits: Glass

Your phone’s camera is as much software as it is hardware, and Glass is hoping to improve both. But while its wild anamorphic lens creeps to market, the company (running on $9.3 million in new money) has released an AI-powered camera upgrade that it says vastly improves image quality — without any weird AI upscaling artifacts.

GlassAI is a purely software approach to improving images, what they call a neural image signal processor (ISP). ISPs are basically what take the raw sensor output — often flat, noisy and distorted — and turn that into the sharp, colorful images we see.

The ISP is also increasingly complex, as phone makers like Apple and Google like to show, synthesizing multiple exposures, quickly detecting and sharpening faces, adjusting for tiny movements, and so on. And while many include some form of machine learning or AI, they have to be careful: Using AI to generate detail can produce hallucinations or artifacts as the system tries to create visual information where none exists. Such “super-resolution” models are useful in their place, but they have to be carefully monitored.

Glass makes both a full camera system based on an unusual lozenge-shaped front element, and an ISP to back it up. And while the former is working toward market presence with some upcoming devices, the latter is, it turns out, a product worth selling in its own right.

Glass rethinks the smartphone camera through an old-school cinema lens

“Our restoration networks correct optical aberrations and sensor issues while efficiently removing noise, and outperform traditional Image Signal Processing pipelines at fine texture recovery,” explained CTO and co-founder Tom Bishop in their news release.

Concept animation showing process of going from RAW to Glass-processed image. Image Credits: Glass

The word “recovery” is key, because details are not simply created but extracted from raw imagery. Depending on how your camera stack already works, you may know that certain artifacts or angles or noise patterns can be reliably resolved or even taken advantage of. Learning how to turn these implied details into real ones — or combining details from multiple exposures — is a big part of any computational photography stack. Co-founder and CEO Ziv Attar says their neural ISP is better than any in the industry.

Even Apple, he pointed out, doesn’t have a full neural image stack, only using it in specific circumstances where it’s needed, and their results (in his opinion) aren’t great. He provided an example of Apple’s neural ISP failing to interpret text correctly, with Glass faring much better:

Photo provided by Ziv Attar showing an iPhone 15 Pro Max zoomed to 5x, and the Glass-processed version of the phone’s RAW images. Image Credits: Ziv Attar

“I think it’s fair to assume that if Apple hasn’t managed to get decent results, it is a hard problem to solve,” he said. “It’s less about the actual stack but more about how you train. We have a very unique way of doing it, which was developed for the anamorphic lens systems and is efficient at any camera. Basically, we have training labs that involve robotics systems and optical calibration systems that manage to train a network to characterize the aberration of lenses in a very comprehensive way, and fundamentally reversing any optical distortion.”

As an example, he provided a case study where they had DXO evaluate the camera on a Moto Edge 40, then do so again with GlassAI installed. The Glass-processed images are all clearly improved, sometimes dramatically so.

Image Credits: Glass / DXO

At low light levels the built-in ISP struggles to differentiate fine lines, textures and facial details in its night mode. Using GlassAI, it’s as sharp as a tack even with half the exposure time.

You can go peep the pixels on a few test photos Glass has available by switching between the raws and the finals.

Companies putting together phones and cameras have to spend a lot of time tuning the ISP so that the sensor, lens and other bits and pieces all work together properly to make the best image possible. It seems, however, that Glass’s one-size-fits-all process might do a better job in a fraction of the time.

“The time it takes us to train shippable software from the time we put our hands on a new type of device… it varies between few hours to few days. For reference, phone makers spend months tuning for image quality, with huge teams. Our process is fully automated so we can support multiple devices in a few days,” said Attar.

The neural ISP is also end-to-end, meaning in this context that it goes straight from sensor RAW to final image with no extra processes like denoising, sharpening and so on needed.

Left: RAW, right: Glass-processed. Image Credits: Glass

When I asked, Attar was careful to differentiate their work from super-resolution AI services, which take a finished image and upscale it. These often aren’t “recovering” details so much as inventing them where it seems appropriate, a process that can sometimes produce undesirable results. Though Glass uses AI, it isn’t generative the way many image-related AIs are.

Today marks the product’s availability at large, presumably after a lengthy testing period with partners. If you make an Android phone, it might be good to at least give it a shot.

On the hardware side, the phone with the weird lozenge-shaped anamorphic camera will have to wait until that manufacturer is ready to go public, though.

While Glass develops its tech and is trying out customers, it’s also been busy scaring up funding. The company just closed a $9.3 million “extended seed,” which I put in quotes because the seed round was in 2021. The new funding was led by GV, with Future Ventures, Abstract Ventures and LDV Capital participating.

Flock Safety Solar Condor

Flock Safety's solar-powered cameras could make surveillance more widespread

Flock Safety Solar Condor

Image Credits: Flock Safety (opens in a new window)

Flock Safety is a multibillion-dollar startup that’s got eyes everywhere. As of Wednesday, with the company’s new Solar Condor cameras, those eyes are solar-powered and use wireless 5G networks to make them all that much easier to install.

Adding solar power to the mix means that the company’s mission to blanket the country with cameras just got a lot easier. The company says that its Condor camera system is powered by “advanced AI and ML that is constantly learning with cutting-edge video analytics” to adapt to changing needs, and that “With solar deployment, Condor cameras can be placed anywhere.”

However, the company has drawn resistance and scrutiny from some privacy advocates, including the ACLU.

“The company has so far focused on selling automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) cameras,” writes the ACLU in a report back in 2022, finding ethical problems with tracking cars with networked tracking as they traveled around. The ACLU has recommended that communities reject Flock Safety’s products. Last year, it published a guide for how to slow down mass surveillance with the company’s products.

Flock Safety is an extraordinarily well-funded startup. PitchBook reports that the company has raised more than $680 million to date, at a valuation of close to $5 billion, including from a16z’s American Dynamism fund, which has deployed money into law-and-order products, including police drones, corporate legal subpoena response, autonomous water defense drones and 911 call response systems.

It also claims to be effective at helping law enforcement track criminals: The firm says that 10% of reported crime in the U.S. is solved using its technology.

Silicon Valley goes to war

The problem is that Flock Safety doesn’t exactly have the best track record for accuracy. In New Mexico, police mistakenly treated some drivers as potentially violent criminal suspects and held them at gunpoint after the firm’s cameras misread license plates, according to KOAT Action News. The company was also reportedly sued when an Ohio man was allegedly wrongfully identified as a human trafficking suspect. The lawsuit was later dismissed. The company has drawn scrutiny in general about the privacy risks with nationally shared databases.

Give them a pole and they’ll give you a camera.
Image Credits: Flock Safety

A report from the Science, Technology, and Public Policy program at the University of Michigan concludes that “Even when ALPRs work as intended, the vast majority of images taken are not connected to any criminal activity,” and herein lies the problem: Filming everything all the time necessarily brings some privacy challenges with it.

‘Several tens of thousands’ of cameras

When you blanket the country in cameras, it stands to reason that the frequency of times that an individual car is spotted goes up. About a decade ago, the Supreme Court decided that tracking a car using a GPS tracker for more than 28 days violates the Fourth Amendment rule against unreasonable search and seizure.

It becomes a philosophical question at this point: How many data points of number plate recognition do you need before a networked array of cameras is able to track a vehicle with a similar resolution as GPS? I put that question to the chief strategy officer at Flock Safety, Bailey Quintrell.

“A GPS tracker has your location essentially, live — every second or so, depending on how it’s set up,” Quintrell said in an interview with TechCrunch, after confirming that there are “several tens of thousands” of the company’s cameras in operation. “With our cameras, they are installed in the public view, clearly visible there. Maybe that sounds numerous. But on a national scale, it’s actually not that many.”

That might be true on a national level, but density can be much higher in some communities. In Oakland, California, where I live, Governor Newsom recently announced a plan to cover the town with cameras.

“With the installation of this 480 high-tech camera network, we’re equipping law enforcement with the tools they need to effectively combat criminal activity and hold perpetrators accountable,” Newsom said in a statement in March this year.

Still, Quintrell claims that even high-density camera coverage is a huge issue.

“So it’s a very different level of information than like, say, a GPS tracker,” says Quintrell, refuting my suggestion that perhaps cameras are comparable to GPS if the density gets high enough. “I think the point [where we know where everyone is at all times] is pretty far away. There’s a lot of road miles, a lot of intersections, a lot of parking lots, a lot of driveways. I don’t know the numbers there, but it’s a lot more than the number of cameras that we sold.”

True, perhaps, but the company boasts of being “trusted by more than 5,000 communities across the country,” and ultimately, with its investors breathing down its neck, the company is showing little inclination to slow down its rollout.

Checking out the footage from one of the new Flock Solar Condor cameras.
Image Credits: Flock Safety

Data retention

One of the big challenges with camera technology is how long the cameras are storing footage and data. Flock suggests it stores data for a month by default.

“[Data] is stored on the device for 30 days, and then it is either viewed live, or you can download it from the device,” Quintrell confirms.

That data retention policy is one of the things ACLU specifically has a problem with, arguing that a 72-hour policy should be plenty for video footage, but the organization is pushing for data to be “deleted and destroyed by Flock no more than three minutes after photos or data are first captured.”

The ears and eyes of the police department

We live in a complex world where many police departments are struggling to hire the staff they need, and where a degree of video surveillance or AI-augmented policing might help make up the shortfall. I asked Flock’s strategy boss what he is most excited about.

“The most exciting thing? There are a lot of places where a lot of crime happens, and where there is no way to capture objective evidence (…) Law enforcement is finding it harder to hire people. So hiring is down, and retail crime has continued to grow explosively, which ends up costing all of us. It just ends up raising the price of everything,” says Quintrell.

“If you’re a police department, it’s so hard to hire people that are willing to wear a badge and do a really hard job. Just let us help you get the evidence from the places you need it, whether it’s the intersections or parks or your business customer: you’re just trying to keep your inventory from walking out the door without being paid for. [Solar Condor] turns a really complicated, expensive construction project into something simple. We just need a few hours of sunlight and a place to put a pole, and we can help you solve this problem.”

It’s hard to argue with the fact that it’s hard to hire cops these days, and I have no doubt that with solar power, the logistical issue of ubiquitous camera coverage just got a lot easier. But with great (solar) power comes great responsibility — and the question becomes whether a camera network run by a private, for-profit company has the right level of oversight and responsibility required to make up for the shortfall.

UPDATE: The story has been updated to reflect that one of the lawsuits was later dismissed.