C12, a French quantum computing startup founded by twin brothers, raises $19.4M

Image Credits: C12

C12 is announcing that it recently raised an €18 million funding round ($19.4 million at today’s exchange rate). Originally founded in 2020 as a spinoff from the Physics Laboratory of the École Normale Supérieure, the company has been working on a unique process to create quantum computers based on carbon nanotubes.

While the concept of quantum computing isn’t new, it is still very much a work in progress. Many scientific teams have been approaching this topic from different angles. The goal is to create a quantum computer at scale that can execute calculations with a low amount of errors.

But wait, why do we need quantum computers in the first place? Computers as they exist today are entirely based on electronic transistors. And we’ve become really good at making transistors smaller so we can pack more of them in a single chip. As a result, computing power has progressed at an exponential pace over the past 60 years.

And yet, the current computer architecture has its limits. Even if companies start building bigger data centers, some problems simply can’t be solved with traditional computers. It is also unclear whether Moore’s law will remain valid in the years to come.

This is where quantum computers could prove useful.

“If we want to create a model — an exhaustive simulation of a chemical reaction — to know how new drugs are going to interact with our cells, that’s not possible with a conventional approach,” C12 co-founder and CEO Pierre Desjardins (pictured right) told TechCrunch.

“There are a whole host of optimization problems to be solved, whether in transport, logistics or manufacturing. They are impossible to run on a conventional computer because there will be too many variables, too many possible scenarios,” he continued.

Matthieu Desjardins, his brother, has a PhD in quantum physics and acts as the CTO of the company. At some point in our conversation, Pierre even called his brother a “scientific genius.”

And because it’s 2024, there’s even an AI angle that should convince you that quantum computing research is important. “Today, training a large language model also means consuming an enormous amount of energy,” Pierre said. “And quantum is also a computing method that uses much less energy.”

How to build a quantum computer

C12 says the two key differences with the other teams working on quantum computers are that it uses a different material (carbon nanotubes) and it has a specific manufacturing process (a nano-assembly process that is now patented).

“Today, I think we are the only ones in the world to control this very special process, which involves putting a carbon nanotube on top of a silicon chip. And what’s absolutely fascinating is the scale. The diameter of a carbon nanotube is 10,000 times smaller than a human hair,” Pierre said.

Image Credits: C12

Research teams working for big companies like Google, IBM or Amazon are currently focusing on a different process. Most of them are using superconducting materials, such as aluminum, on top of a silicon substrate.

According to C12, this method has led to early breakthroughs. However, using aluminum isn’t going to work at scale due to interferences as you start adding more qubits. While quantum isn’t mature yet, C12 believes it is working on next-generation quantum computing compared to these aluminum-based processes.

The company has set up its first production line in a basement near the Pantheon in Paris. In this facility, they manufacture carbon nanotubes, control those tubes and then integrate them with the silicon substrate.

“It’s now up and running. Today, we produce about one chip a week, which we then test in our mini data center,” Pierre said. But don’t expect to see a quantum computer just yet. “We are still really just validating fundamental elements,” he added. The company is focusing on chips with one or two qubits for the moment.

Emulating quantum

As research and development work progresses, the C12 team is also working on its business ecosystem. Like many quantum companies, C12 has created an emulator called Callisto. Emulators let developers write and run some quantum code on a classical computer.

They’re not going to get the results they would get with a quantum computer, but at least they will be ready to hit the ground running when quantum computers are available.

“We are currently focusing on two verticals, the chemical industry and the energy industry. The chemical industry uses it to simulate chemical reactions and the energy industry uses it mainly for optimization problems,” Pierre said. In particular, the startup has a partnership with Air Liquide.

Image Credits: C12

And if we go back to the funding round, Varsity Capital, EIC Fund and Verve Ventures are investing in it; existing investors 360 Capital, Bpifrance’s Digital Venture fund and BNP Paribas Développement are also participating once again in this round.

There are 45 people from 18 different nationalities working for C12 today, including 22 PhDs. With the recently raised capital, C12 plans to sign more partnerships with industrial partners. But the company also has a research goal.

“The other goal is to carry out, for the first time, a quantum operation between two qubits that are located at a long distance from each other,” Pierre said. By long distance, he means “tens of micrometers” from each other. It doesn’t seem like much, but it will be key when it comes to scaling quantum computing.

Vaire Computing raises $4.5M for 'reversible computing' moonshot which could drastically reduce energy needs

Hannah Earley and Rodolfo Rosini, Vaire Computing

Image Credits: Hannah Earley and Rodolfo Rosini, Vaire Computing

With the rise of AI, energy and heat efficiency have once again become pressing concerns for companies that use and build chips. The skyrocketing demand for hardware to run AI models is dragging up energy bills, as these servers require vast numbers of chips and enormous cooling setups.

Vaire Computing, based in London and Seattle, is betting that reversible computing will be the way forward. It has now raised $4 million in a seed round to work on building silicon chips that would consume negligible amounts of energy and generate little heat, if any. The round was led by deep-tech fund 7percent Ventures and Jude Gomila, the co-founder of Heyzap. The company had previously raised $500,000, so this round brings its total funding to $4.5 million.

In reversible computing, instead of running a calculation in only one direction (inputs followed by outputs) and then feeding the output to a new calculation and running it again, the computing can be done in both directions (known as “time-reversible” computing). Effectively, energy is retained inside the chip instead of being released as heat. The theory is that this method would generate negligible amounts of heat, vastly reducing energy consumption. (A better explanation of its potential lies in this essay by Azeem Azhar and David Galbraith.)

Vaire Computing was founded by serial entrepreneur Rodolfo Rosini and Hannah Earley, a researcher at the University of Cambridge who works on “unconventional computing” such as reversible and molecular computing. 

Over a call, Rosini told me: “Close to 100% of the energy in a chip ends up being dissipated as heat. So you’re basically wasting it. But in a reversible chip, you actually never dissipate this energy. You don’t allow the energy to become heat, and you recycle it internally. This means that two things happen: One, the chip doesn’t get hot, and two, you only need a tiny amount of energy to make it work. So, it uses almost no energy, other than the same amount of energy that it has just recycled.”

The concept of reversible computing is not new, and there are a lot of challenges before Vaire’s chips can become a reality, but Rosini thinks the shift to this new approach to computing would not be too dissimilar from how we switched from filament bulbs to LEDs. “The similarity is between an old light bulb based on incandescent filaments and LEDs,” he said. “LEDs are colder and more efficient, and there’s a cluster of them… This is virtually identical to reversible computing. You don’t have a single core that is super fast, you have a lot of smaller cores where each one is super efficient.”

He says a big advantage of chips that can do reversible computing would be their ability to be used on generic applications, just as normal CPUs are used today. “Other kinds of chips are domain-specific, but with computing, you can do anything… We could also build a CPU or GPU, and it would look like any other chip.”

When asked why the funding in the space is so low if the tech is as revolutionary as it sounds, Rosini said: “Because the amount of money that went into reversible computing and alternative chip architecture is almost nothing,” he said, pointing to the billions spent on quantum computing, photonics and GPUs. 

“If you go outside these well-trodden areas and talk about building a brand new architecture, there’s absolutely nobody who will fund it. Secondly, we don’t really need a lot of money to make the first chip and prove the technology… Once we prove that, we’ll need a much larger round to actually build a chip,” he added.

For her part, Earley believes reversible computing could be used to make the most powerful computers. “I got involved in this area during my PhD in 2016,” she said. “Serendipitously, my PhD supervisor sent me the thesis of my friend who was at the University of Florida group that was looking into reversible computing. It got me interested in how I could apply it to my research field at the time, which was molecular programming. I started to think that reversible computing is interesting in its own right, particularly as it could make the most powerful form of computers possible. After completing my PhD, I was introduced to Rudolfo and we realized that we had the same vision.”

“Vaire Computing is different because its technology is innovative at a foundational level, positioning the company extraordinarily well to capture a huge chunk of the future AI chip, and ultimately, computer processor market,” Andrew J Scott, founding partner at 7percent Ventures, said in a statement.

The round also saw participation from Seedcamp, Clim8, Tom Knight (an inventor of modern reversible computing) and Jared Kopf, founder of Ramble.ai.

Additionally, Vaire has hired Mike Frank, a noted researcher in reversible computing, as the company’s senior scientist. 

Vaire recently became one of only 10 companies named to the second U.K. cohort of Intel Ignite, Intel’s global startup accelerator program for early-stage deep tech startups.

C12, a French quantum computing startup founded by twin brothers, raises $19.4M

Image Credits: C12

C12 is announcing that it recently raised an €18 million funding round ($19.4 million at today’s exchange rate). Originally founded in 2020 as a spinoff from the Physics Laboratory of the École Normale Supérieure, the company has been working on a unique process to create quantum computers based on carbon nanotubes.

While the concept of quantum computing isn’t new, it is still very much a work in progress. Many scientific teams have been approaching this topic from different angles. The goal is to create a quantum computer at scale that can execute calculations with a low amount of errors.

But wait, why do we need quantum computers in the first place? Computers as they exist today are entirely based on electronic transistors. And we’ve become really good at making transistors smaller so we can pack more of them in a single chip. As a result, computing power has progressed at an exponential pace over the past 60 years.

And yet, the current computer architecture has its limits. Even if companies start building bigger data centers, some problems simply can’t be solved with traditional computers. It is also unclear whether Moore’s law will remain valid in the years to come.

This is where quantum computers could prove useful.

“If we want to create a model — an exhaustive simulation of a chemical reaction — to know how new drugs are going to interact with our cells, that’s not possible with a conventional approach,” C12 co-founder and CEO Pierre Desjardins (pictured right) told TechCrunch.

“There are a whole host of optimization problems to be solved, whether in transport, logistics or manufacturing. They are impossible to run on a conventional computer because there will be too many variables, too many possible scenarios,” he continued.

Matthieu Desjardins, his brother, has a PhD in quantum physics and acts as the CTO of the company. At some point in our conversation, Pierre even called his brother a “scientific genius.”

And because it’s 2024, there’s even an AI angle that should convince you that quantum computing research is important. “Today, training a large language model also means consuming an enormous amount of energy,” Pierre said. “And quantum is also a computing method that uses much less energy.”

How to build a quantum computer

C12 says the two key differences with the other teams working on quantum computers are that it uses a different material (carbon nanotubes) and it has a specific manufacturing process (a nano-assembly process that is now patented).

“Today, I think we are the only ones in the world to control this very special process, which involves putting a carbon nanotube on top of a silicon chip. And what’s absolutely fascinating is the scale. The diameter of a carbon nanotube is 10,000 times smaller than a human hair,” Pierre said.

Image Credits: C12

Research teams working for big companies like Google, IBM or Amazon are currently focusing on a different process. Most of them are using superconducting materials, such as aluminum, on top of a silicon substrate.

According to C12, this method has led to early breakthroughs. However, using aluminum isn’t going to work at scale due to interferences as you start adding more qubits. While quantum isn’t mature yet, C12 believes it is working on next-generation quantum computing compared to these aluminum-based processes.

The company has set up its first production line in a basement near the Pantheon in Paris. In this facility, they manufacture carbon nanotubes, control those tubes and then integrate them with the silicon substrate.

“It’s now up and running. Today, we produce about one chip a week, which we then test in our mini data center,” Pierre said. But don’t expect to see a quantum computer just yet. “We are still really just validating fundamental elements,” he added. The company is focusing on chips with one or two qubits for the moment.

Emulating quantum

As research and development work progresses, the C12 team is also working on its business ecosystem. Like many quantum companies, C12 has created an emulator called Callisto. Emulators let developers write and run some quantum code on a classical computer.

They’re not going to get the results they would get with a quantum computer, but at least they will be ready to hit the ground running when quantum computers are available.

“We are currently focusing on two verticals, the chemical industry and the energy industry. The chemical industry uses it to simulate chemical reactions and the energy industry uses it mainly for optimization problems,” Pierre said. In particular, the startup has a partnership with Air Liquide.

Image Credits: C12

And if we go back to the funding round, Varsity Capital, EIC Fund and Verve Ventures are investing in it; existing investors 360 Capital, Bpifrance’s Digital Venture fund and BNP Paribas Développement are also participating once again in this round.

There are 45 people from 18 different nationalities working for C12 today, including 22 PhDs. With the recently raised capital, C12 plans to sign more partnerships with industrial partners. But the company also has a research goal.

“The other goal is to carry out, for the first time, a quantum operation between two qubits that are located at a long distance from each other,” Pierre said. By long distance, he means “tens of micrometers” from each other. It doesn’t seem like much, but it will be key when it comes to scaling quantum computing.

Vaire Computing raises $4.5M for 'reversible computing' moonshot which could drastically reduce energy needs

Hannah Earley and Rodolfo Rosini, Vaire Computing

Image Credits: Hannah Earley and Rodolfo Rosini, Vaire Computing

With the rise of AI, energy and heat efficiency have once again become pressing concerns for companies that use and build chips. The skyrocketing demand for hardware to run AI models is dragging up energy bills, as these servers require vast numbers of chips and enormous cooling setups.

Vaire Computing, based in London and Seattle, is betting that reversible computing will be the way forward. It has now raised $4 million in a seed round to work on building silicon chips that would consume negligible amounts of energy and generate little heat, if any. The round was led by deep-tech fund 7percent Ventures and Jude Gomila, the co-founder of Heyzap. The company had previously raised $500,000, so this round brings its total funding to $4.5 million.

In reversible computing, instead of running a calculation in only one direction (inputs followed by outputs) and then feeding the output to a new calculation and running it again, the computing can be done in both directions (known as “time-reversible” computing). Effectively, energy is retained inside the chip instead of being released as heat. The theory is that this method would generate negligible amounts of heat, vastly reducing energy consumption. (A better explanation of its potential lies in this essay by Azeem Azhar and David Galbraith.)

Vaire Computing was founded by serial entrepreneur Rodolfo Rosini and Hannah Earley, a researcher at the University of Cambridge who works on “unconventional computing” such as reversible and molecular computing. 

Over a call, Rosini told me: “Close to 100% of the energy in a chip ends up being dissipated as heat. So you’re basically wasting it. But in a reversible chip, you actually never dissipate this energy. You don’t allow the energy to become heat, and you recycle it internally. This means that two things happen: One, the chip doesn’t get hot, and two, you only need a tiny amount of energy to make it work. So, it uses almost no energy, other than the same amount of energy that it has just recycled.”

The concept of reversible computing is not new, and there are a lot of challenges before Vaire’s chips can become a reality, but Rosini thinks the shift to this new approach to computing would not be too dissimilar from how we switched from filament bulbs to LEDs. “The similarity is between an old light bulb based on incandescent filaments and LEDs,” he said. “LEDs are colder and more efficient, and there’s a cluster of them… This is virtually identical to reversible computing. You don’t have a single core that is super fast, you have a lot of smaller cores where each one is super efficient.”

He says a big advantage of chips that can do reversible computing would be their ability to be used on generic applications, just as normal CPUs are used today. “Other kinds of chips are domain-specific, but with computing, you can do anything… We could also build a CPU or GPU, and it would look like any other chip.”

When asked why the funding in the space is so low if the tech is as revolutionary as it sounds, Rosini said: “Because the amount of money that went into reversible computing and alternative chip architecture is almost nothing,” he said, pointing to the billions spent on quantum computing, photonics and GPUs. 

“If you go outside these well-trodden areas and talk about building a brand new architecture, there’s absolutely nobody who will fund it. Secondly, we don’t really need a lot of money to make the first chip and prove the technology… Once we prove that, we’ll need a much larger round to actually build a chip,” he added.

For her part, Earley believes reversible computing could be used to make the most powerful computers. “I got involved in this area during my PhD in 2016,” she said. “Serendipitously, my PhD supervisor sent me the thesis of my friend who was at the University of Florida group that was looking into reversible computing. It got me interested in how I could apply it to my research field at the time, which was molecular programming. I started to think that reversible computing is interesting in its own right, particularly as it could make the most powerful form of computers possible. After completing my PhD, I was introduced to Rudolfo and we realized that we had the same vision.”

“Vaire Computing is different because its technology is innovative at a foundational level, positioning the company extraordinarily well to capture a huge chunk of the future AI chip, and ultimately, computer processor market,” Andrew J Scott, founding partner at 7percent Ventures, said in a statement.

The round also saw participation from Seedcamp, Clim8, Tom Knight (an inventor of modern reversible computing) and Jared Kopf, founder of Ramble.ai.

Additionally, Vaire has hired Mike Frank, a noted researcher in reversible computing, as the company’s senior scientist. 

Vaire recently became one of only 10 companies named to the second U.K. cohort of Intel Ignite, Intel’s global startup accelerator program for early-stage deep tech startups.

C12, a French quantum computing startup founded by twin brothers, raises $19.4 million

Image Credits: C12

C12 is announcing that it recently raised an €18 million funding round ($19.4 million at today’s exchange rate). Originally founded in 2020 as a spin-off from the Physics Laboratory of the École Normale Supérieure, the company has been working on a unique process to create quantum computers based on carbon nanotubes.

While the concept of quantum computing isn’t new, it is still very much a work in progress. Many scientific teams have been approaching this topic from different angles. The goal is to create a quantum computer at scale that can execute calculations with a low amount of errors.

But wait, why do we need quantum computers in the first place? Computers as they exist today are entirely based on electronic transistors. And we’ve become really good at making transistors smaller so we can pack more transistors in a single chip. As a result, computing power has progressed at an exponential pace over the past 60 years.

And yet, the current computer architecture has its limits. Even if companies start building bigger data centers, some problems simply can’t be solved with traditional computers. It is also unclear whether Moore’s law will remain valid in the years to come.

This is where quantum computers could prove useful.

“If we want to create a model — an exhaustive simulation of a chemical reaction — to know how new drugs are going to interact with our cells, that’s not possible with a conventional approach,” C12 co-founder and CEO Pierre Desjardins (pictured right) told TechCrunch.

“There are a whole host of optimization problems to be solved, whether in transport, logistics or manufacturing. They are impossible to run on a conventional computer because there will be too many variables, too many possible scenarios,” he continued.

Matthieu Desjardins, his brother, has a PhD in quantum physics and acts as the CTO of the company. At some point in our conversation, Pierre Desjardins even called his brother a “scientific genius.”

And because it’s 2024, there’s even an AI angle that should convince you that quantum computing research is important. “Today, training a large language model also means consuming an enormous amount of energy,” Pierre Desjardins said. “And quantum is also a computing method that uses much less energy.”

How to build a quantum computer

C12 says the two key differences with the other teams working on quantum computers are that it uses a different material — carbon nanotubes — and it has a specific manufacturing process — a nano-assembly process that is now patented.

“Today, I think we are the only ones in the world to control this very special process, which involves putting a carbon nanotube on top of a silicon chip. And what’s absolutely fascinating is the scale. The diameter of a carbon nanotube is 10,000 times smaller than a human hair,” Pierre Desjardins said.

Image Credits: C12

Research teams working for big companies like Google, IBM or Amazon are currently focusing on a different process. Most of them are using superconducting materials, such as aluminum, on top of a silicon substrate.

According to C12, while this method has led to early breakthroughs. However, using aluminum isn’t going to work at scale due to interferences as you start adding more qubits. While quantum isn’t mature yet, C12 believes it is working on next-generation quantum computing compared to these aluminum-based processes.

The company has set up its first production line in a basement near the Pantheon in Paris. In this facility, they manufacture carbon nanotubes, control those tubes and then integrate them with the silicon substrate.

“It’s now up and running. Today, we produce about one chip a week, which we then test in our mini data center,” Pierre Desjardins said. But don’t expect to see a quantum computer just yet. “We are still really just validating fundamental elements,” he added. The company is focusing on chips with one or two qubits for the moment.

Emulating quantum

As research and development work progresses, the C12 team is also working on its business ecosystem. Like many quantum companies, C12 has created an emulator called Callisto. Emulators let developers write and run some quantum code on a classical computer.

They’re not going to get the results they would get with a quantum computer, but at least they will be ready to hit the ground running when quantum computers are available.

“We are currently focusing on two verticals, the chemical industry and the energy industry. The chemical industry uses it to simulate chemical reactions and the energy industry uses it mainly for optimization problems,” Pierre Desjardins said. In particular, the startup has a partnership with Air Liquide.

Image Credits: C12

And if we go back to the funding round, Varsity Capital, EIC Fund and Verve Ventures are investing in it; existing investors 360 Capital, Bpifrance’s Digital Venture fund and BNP Paribas Développement are also participating once again in this round.

There are 45 people from 18 different nationalities working for C12 today, including 22 PhDs. With the recently raised capital, C12 plans to sign more partnerships with industrial partners. But the company also has a research goal.

“The other goal is to carry out, for the first time, a quantum operation between two qubits that are located at a long distance from each other,” Pierre Desjardins said. By long distance, he means “tens of micrometers” from each other. It doesn’t seem like much, but it will be key when it comes to scaling quantum computing.

Akamai extends its edge-computing platform as it looks to challenge AWS, Azure and GCP

New Akamai Headquarters In Kendall Square

Image Credits: Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Getty Images / Getty Images

Akamai today announced the launch of its Gecko “Generalized Edge Compute” platform. This new initiative will increase the company’s cloud-computing network with an additional 10 regions worldwide in the first quarter of this year and then another 75 throughout the rest of the year.

Ever since it acquired Linode in 2022, Akamai has made it clear that it intends to build a more comprehensive cloud computing service with a focus on bringing compute capacity close to its users, reducing latency for many traditional use cases and enabling new ones like immersive retail, spatial computing and consumer and industrial IoT. There is, of course, also an AI play here, as Akamai believes that many businesses will want to run their models and other machine learning workloads close to their users.

Image Credits: Akamai

AWS is taking a similar approach with its Local Zones, but Akamai argues that its competitors treat their cloud and edge networks separately while Gecko is a single, highly distributed cloud platform.

“Gecko is the most exciting thing to happen to the cloud in a decade,” said Akamai co-founder and CEO Tom Leighton. “It’s the next phase of the roadmap toward a more connected cloud we laid out when we acquired Linode to add cost-effective, cloud-native computing capabilities to our portfolio. We began delivering on that roadmap with the launch of Akamai Connected Cloud and the rapid rollout of new core computing regions around the world. With Gecko, we’re furthering that vision by combining the computing power of our cloud platform with the proximity and efficiency of the edge, to put workloads closer to users than any other cloud provider. When we say we operate at planetary scale, this is what we mean.”

Given its massive network, with over 4,100 points of presence, Akamai also believes that it can differentiate its service through the strength of its network. In addition, the company also argues that a lot of businesses today are looking for a more nimble alternative to the large centralized clouds.

“Akamai is delivering on the promise it made when it acquired Linode by quickly integrating compute into its security and delivery mix,” said Dave McCarthy, IDC, research vice president of Cloud and Edge Services. “What they’re now doing with Gecko is an example of the more distributed cloud world we’re heading toward, driven by demands to put compute and data closer to the edge.”

The company plans to open hundreds of these small regions in the next few years. Though looking at the near term, today it is launching in cities like Hong Kong SAR; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Querétaro, Mexico; Johannesburg; Bogotá, Colombia; Denver, Colorado; Houston, Texas; Hamburg, Germany; Marseille, France; and Santiago, Chile, launching later this quarter. That’s on top of the 25 core compute regions it currently offers.

Once Akamai gets a good number of the regions up and running, it plans to bring its container service to them and then, at a later point, its automated workload platform, which, the company promises, will allow developers to easily distribute their applications to hundreds of locations.

Akamai expands its cloud computing footprint with new locations and services

Akamai acquires Linode for $900M