As VCs slow gaming investments, Frost Giant turns to community for fresh capital

Image Credits: Frost Giant Games

Video games haven’t been a niche hobby for ages now, but the scale of the industry built around gaming is still not as well known as it deserves. Revenue from video games totaled some $39.4 billion in the United States during the first three quarters of 2023. Meanwhile, the box office for films in the United States was worth a comparatively modest $9 billion in all of last year.

Big, global revenue numbers have not saved the video game industry from layoffs, but people around the world are still spending on new titles and hardware. It’s a great time to be a gamer, but is it as good a time to be a gaming studio? One gaming startup is shaking up its fundraising approach in a way that could chart a new path for studios that are seeing reduced appetite from traditional, private investors.

Frost Giant, a venture-backed startup building a real-time strategy (RTS) game called Stormgate, is turning to its community to top up its coffers ahead of the game’s launch this year. The company’s decision to test the waters for an equity crowdfunding round comes after it sold millions of dollars’ worth of goodies to supporters on Kickstarter earlier this year.

TechCrunch caught up with Frost Giant’s CEO and production director, Tim Morten, about the company’s choice to pursue community capital, which they said could bring more marketing and operating capital.

It’s not hard to see the logic behind the choice to raise more funding before returning to venture capitalists. The venture capital market for gaming companies has retreated sharply since Frost Giant last raised money (a $25 million Series A back in 2022). And with Stormgate expected to launch this year (an early access launch is pegged for Q3 2024), more funds could give the company enough leeway to launch its game and collect early revenue from its release. That may even be enough to entice another tranche of traditional venture funding for its enterprise.

Gaming, venture and the state of RTS

Esports has received much press over the last decade, often centered around multiplayer titles like League of Legends, Dota 2 and Counter-Strike. But in the early days of competitive esports, RTS titles like StarCraft and StarCraft II were trailblazers. That part of the video game industry has grown a lot since those games were released, but RTS games were critical to the early development of esports.

Frost Giant has already gained some credibility, thanks to its pedigreed team, some of whom worked on acclaimed games like StarCraft II and Warcraft III. Stormgate is a spiritual successor to the StarCraft franchise in many ways, and the studio is not afraid to show that off. Fans of those storied RTS titles will therefore find that this new game feels familiar, and that promise is proving to be a boon for Frost Giant: The company’s Kickstarter event sold $2.4 million worth of bonuses to over 28,000 backers, who paid for things like entry to an upcoming “preview week” for the game, access to its Discord server, beta access, and even physical items.

Morten said that his team was “positively surprised” by the amount of interest the Kickstarter engendered. But it was not designed as a fundraising effort; instead, the company pitched the event as a way to offer its fans something special before the game launched.

The company had also seen interest from some folks regarding investing directly into the company both before and after its Kickstarter campaign, he added. While Frost Giant expects that the audience for its upcoming community raise, structured as a Reg CF (regulation crowdfunding) offering, won’t match perfectly with the gamers it attracted to its Kickstarter, Morten does expect some overlap.

Thus far, Frost Giant has picked up $611,421 in reservations for its community fundraise on its Start Engine page. That’s a good start and the momentum implies that the company will be able to raise some operating capital when its equity crowdfund does go live.

Reg CF offerings are limited to $5 million, so Frost Giant has a hard cap on how much it can raise. But such offerings require financial disclosures. We got a similar peek into Substack’s financials when it raised capital from its community last year, and we’ll get a similar influx of data from Frost Giant.

Frost Giant has said publicly that “Stormgate is fully funded to release,” which means that the new capital could extend its post-launch runway, affording it more time to grow its revenue and better attract venture dollars should it need to. Still, if the Stormgate crew decides to look to traditional private-market investors, it could face an uphill battle: Venture investment into gaming companies declined 79% globally and 86% in the United States last year compared to 2022.

Stormgate will be free to play at launch but will let gamers spend money inside the game. Per Morten, fans of StarCraft II liked the increased amount of campaign content, cosmetics, and heroes they could choose in co-op modes in that game, so expect to see similar products from Stormgate in time. As someone who owns a chest of Caitlyn skins for League of Legends and has spent more time than I want to admit redressing my Tiefling paladin in Baldur’s Gate 3 to ensure that her armor all matches, I can assure you that gamers can get pretty damn fond of their digital avatars and are willing to invest money and time into them.

Of course, no amount of Kickstarter wins, equity crowdfunding or low-pressure monetization will be able to make Stormgate a success if it doesn’t attract an active and passionate player base. How well is the title doing in that regard? The company points out that it is the 36th most wishlisted title on Steam today, and it has racked up more than 50,000 followers on that platform.

That’s a good start, but the proof will be in the early access pudding.

Nine crypto VCs on why Q1 investments were so hot and how it compares to previous bull market

16 small white piggy banks placed randomly on green surface

Image Credits: PM Images (opens in a new window) / Getty Images

If the 2023 crypto venture landscape was an ice-cold pot of water, the first quarter of 2024 is the part where the bubbles start to form right before water boils, Tom Schmidt, a partner at Dragonfly Capital, said to TechCrunch.

And he’s not wrong: $2.52 billion in total capital has been raised across the crypto and blockchain sectors in Q1 2024, according to PitchBook data. That’s about 25% higher than $2.02 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023.

“It’s been an extraordinarily busy time. It has 2021 feels to it,” said David Nage, portfolio manager at Arca. “Deals in 2021 felt like you had a gun to the back of your head; that feeling has kind of returned to the market a bit.” Nage said his firm has tracked over 690 deals across stages that have transpired during Q1, about 30 to 40% more than the lows in 2023.

“In Q1, the crypto venture capital funding landscape was cautiously optimistic, rebounding from a challenging two-year period of fundraising difficulties for both companies and managers,” said Alex Felix, co-founder and chief investment officer at CoinFund.

Despite a significant year-over-year decrease in both VC and crypto funding in 2023, around 65%, there is a noticeable uptick in deal-making activity, Felix added.

But why now?

The crypto VC landscape has heated up in part because of positive effects from legal wins last year from Ripple and Grayscale, as well as positive sentiments around decentralized finance (DeFi) on Solana. There’s also demand increasing for the biggest cryptocurrency post SEC spot bitcoin ETF approvals in the U.S.

“Another thing that affected the market is we didn’t die,” Nage said. “I know it’s funny to say this, but after the [collapse of] LUNA, BlockFi, FTX, the banking crisis, the thought was that we would die and we didn’t.”

Can crypto’s recent wins resurrect venture interest?

And it may not stop anytime soon, thanks to macro validation from crypto. “Crypto venture will continue to heat up on the back of a bullish macro backdrop fueled by the launch of crypto ETF products, the BTC halving, projected rate cuts in the U.S. ahead of the upcoming presidential election,” said Mike Giampapa, general partner at Galaxy Ventures. “We’re also seeing institutional interest start to convert into real budgets and products.”

For example, BlackRock is launching its tokenized money market fund on the Ethereum blockchain, which could lead to heightened competitive pressure from traditional financial institutions and more adoptions.

Where deals are flowin’ in

In general, the crypto startup deal flow has picked up in areas ranging from DeFi to SocialFi to Bitcoin layer-2 growth. “We see 30 to 40 deals on a weekly basis, that’s increased 10% to 20% over the last quarter. It’s getting harder to keep up with the pace of that,” Nage said.

There has been an uptick in both new companies coming to market and existing companies that remained lean throughout the bear market that are revisiting fundraising, Giampapa said. “The market in 2024 will be a tale of the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots,’ with newer companies building along popular narratives getting funded at rich valuations and many other companies going out of business,” he added.

Right now, SocialFi, which in web3 world refers mainly to decentralized social media, is very hot. recently closed a $3 million round and decentralized social network protocol Mask Network hit $100 million for its fund to further support other similar applications. Some success in this sector can be thanks to decentralized social app networks like Farcaster, which is using Web 2.0 techniques to adopt new audiences. Web3 gaming is also rapidly expanding, with hundreds of new games expected to go to market later this year.

Crypto and AI, blockchains and anything zero-knowledge related are “red-hot right now,” Schmidt said.

“Given the grandiose expectations for AI’s potential to impact the global economy, we expect this trend to continue for the foreseeable future,” Tekin Salimi, founder of dao5, said.

For example, modular and AI-integrated blockchains, like 0G labs, which launched with a $35 million pre-seed round, are also attracting the attention of venture capitalists.

Founder-friendly market is spiking valuations

Competitiveness among VCs is creating an environment in which founders have greater leverage in fundraising, Salimi said. There’s “no shortage of hungry money as of recently,” said Michael Anderson, co-founder of Framework Ventures.

“This is founder-friendly in the sense that, in oversubscribed rounds, investors are now reverse-pitching their value,” said Marthe Naudts, associate at White Star Capital’s Digital Asset Fund, meaning that some investors have to show founders why they should choose them. “Founders now have optionality and the ability to set terms, with competitive rounds filling out before investors have time for intensive due diligence.”

But Felix says that the power hasn’t really shifted from investors to founders but is “perfectly balanced” for both parties. “Founders are benefiting from rounds catalyzed with more urgency and valuations ticking up slightly from their recent trough, and VCs are winning more protective and advantageous deal structures.”

It’s worth noting that there’s a massive dispersion based on the quality of the team and sector, Schmidt said. Some startups that previously raised during the last market cycle are working through a re-pricing through a down round or extension, while others are fresh faces.

With pre-seed rounds, there are under $10 million valuations in crypto consumer, but there are also $300 million or higher valuations for sectors like crypto and AI, Schmidt noted. For instance, PredX, an AI-enabled prediction market, raised $500,000 and was valued at $20 million post-money valuation, according to Messari data. Separately, CharacterX, a web3 AI social network, raised $2.8 million in a seed round at a $30 million post-money valuation.

For seed rounds, Nage is seeing $25 million to $40 million pre-money valuations, with several startups pricing in at the $80 million market on seed rounds. Schmidt said the average seed round is in a similar range of $30 million to $60 million post-valuation.

“Valuations are up significantly, and even when larger, more established firms pass on a deal, founders still have plenty of options with others,” Anderson said. “Some of the valuation we’re seeing are already a bit outlandish given how early we are in this cycle.”

Because fundraise announcements are often delayed by many months to a year after the actual raise, there are misperceptions around where the private market is if participants are basing their expectations purely off headlines, Schmidt said.

“Raises that would have taken months or not happened at all last year, even for high-quality teams, are now happening in weeks or less with better terms for founders,” Schmidt said. “Teams that squandered time and money during the bear market are still raising bridge rounds, but new teams are able to come out of the gate strong with larger raises and higher valuations.”

The valuation shift is also driven by sentiment around cryptocurrency prices, so bitcoin reaching all-time highs, Solana surpassing $200 and ether near $4,000 is a “massive sentiment shift,” Nage said.

For founders, seed rounds remain easiest to raise, as many small funds and angel investors are willing to write the first check at the lowest entry points, Felix said. “However, I do not anticipate an immediate improvement in the Series A graduation rate, which has declined from the upper 20% range to the mid-teens. Raising a round of more than $10 million will continue to be appropriately challenging.”

Many venture capitalists are still trying to be mindful of not getting trapped into higher valuations by FOMO’ing into the hype, while also realizing that they can’t just sit on their hands and knees and wait it out. “It is common to see rounds get oversubscribed within days of coming to market and allocations being denied or shifted to subsequent rounds at higher valuations,” said Thomas Tang, VP of investments at Ryze Labs.

The tokenomic come back

Since the end of 2023, Nage said he’s been hearing from companies and peers that they’re looking at tokenomic designs for 2024. So there’s a new rise of token issuance and there’s a number of Arca’s portfolio companies that are working through building that out for this year. This is a shift from the mid-2022 post-Terra/LUNA collapse era, when most seed deals were funded with Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) or warrants, he added.

“This new issuance phase we’re entering into is that valuations have shifted violently,” Nage said.

This dynamic has driven VCs to accept “lofty valuations in private rounds since they expect that the tokens will be traded publicly at a significant markup,” Tang said.

That’s not to say there aren’t SAFE rounds still happening, but Schmidt said the market has congealed around those alongside priced equity rounds and token structures “as a way to give investors protection, but also give teams flexibility.”

And it’s tougher for teams raising around traditional business models, said Clay Robbins, co-founder of accelerator and venture capital fund Colosseum. Crypto-native VCs see token trades and early liquidity behind it, so they’re heavily biased that way, while generalist investors don’t quite believe in that market yet, he added.

On that point, Naudts said the long-term performance of these tokens is yet to be seen. Her firm, White Star, is cautious of tokens intended both as a speculative asset and a means of payment. “But we’re seeing lots more experimentation with tokenomics models here and it’s certainly a space where we are excited by the innovation at play.”

Looking to the rest of 2024

The early-stage funding space will continue to heat up throughout the remainder of the year, Robbins said. Given the “relatively anemic IPO market, lack of fundamentals-based underwriting of growth-stage crypto companies and a (now confirmed) trial between the SEC and Coinbase, I anticipate it will be inconsistent at the growth stage.”

And April will be a big month for crypto market sentiment. As the Bitcoin Halving is coming up, which only occurs once every four years, there’s a lot of uncertainty on how that will affect the industry. Past halving events have propelled the price of bitcoin, but historical data doesn’t always predict the future.

“While short-term market corrections may be on the horizon, we expect the next three quarters of 2024 to be very bullish,” Salimi said. “Historically, financial markets make positive gains during election years. Additionally, we anticipate the macro environment to begin improving later this year, manifesting first in interest rate cuts.”

And relative to last year, many venture capitalists are certain — if there aren’t any massive fraud cases, lawsuits or negative regulatory effects — that the market will continue to see hyper VC activity in the coming quarters that it saw in Q1. “Regulation continues to be the wild card here and could serve as a catalyst for either another leg higher or a brake on growth,” Giampapa said.

If there’s positive progress on the regulatory front, real on-chain momentum, more institutional-based products being launched and continued overall improved macroenvironment, there could be “frenzy levels of deployment,” Robbins said.

“There will be more activity, more deal flow and one thing above everything else is funds are raising capital,” Nage said. Many firms weren’t able to raise from LPs last year because the industry “was a death knell and no interest was out there from LPs.”

As the industry moves on from FTX, LPs are also warming back up to the space, but some are also beginning to differentiate between “crypto” and “crypto venture,” which may lead to some choosing to just allocate to Bitcoin and leave it at that for their crypto exposure, Schmidt said.

However, traditional VCs or crossover funds haven’t “plunged head-first back into crypto, but they’re slowly dipping their toes into a few more deals,” Schmidt said. “I would not be surprised if things get frothier as those bigger market participants come back, crypto funds go back out to the market to reload on capital from LPs, and the space overall becomes more institutionally attractive again.”

Regardless, the sentiment has shifted dramatically over the last quarter, so as that continues to improve, it should also create positive effects on the venture market, Nage added. “If [firms] can raise funds in the next two to three quarters, they won’t hold on to their past dry powder as aggressively as they did the past year. As that eases, you’ll see more checks.”

Last year, most funds were doing about one to two deals a month, or a few a quarter, Nage said. “That has dramatically changed. In December alone, we’ve done half a dozen, if not more.” All the deals Nage is in talks with this most recent quarter were time constrained.

By comparison, Felix shared that CoinFund closed 17 deals in 2023 and four deals in the first quarter of 2024.

Last year, a total of $10.18 billion in capital was raised across the crypto and blockchain industry, PitchBook data showed. I asked each firm how much capital they expect to be raised by the end of 2024 and most estimated above that $10 billion range, but some went as high as the $20 billion range.

Felix believes that VC funding to web3 could be more than 10% of global dollars raised so that could be as much as $16.2 billion at year end based on PitchBook’s 2023 fundraising figures. Either way, it’s expected to be short of the nearly $30 billion that crypto startups raised in 2022, and the more than $33 billion they raised back in 2021.

“This market falls somewhere between the mania of 2021, 2022 and the muted market of last year,” Robbins said.

While Giampapa also thinks many managers will accelerate deployments and go out to fundraise in the next six to 12 months, there’s a caveat. In the previous bull market, some of the large deployers of capital were firms like FTX and Three Arrows Capital, which are no longer in business. “Without these pools of capital, I struggle to see how dollars deployed into crypto VC get back to the 2021 to 2022 levels.”