Wordy's new app helps you learn vocabulary while watching movies and TV shows

Wordy language learning app

Image Credits: Wordy

Wordy is a new iOS app that offers a unique way to learning English. The app automatically translates and defines unknown words while you watch your favorite movies or TV shows. Wordy has over 500,000 titles available, including popular series such as HBO’s “The Penguin” and the new Disney+ show, “Agatha All Along.”

Created by indie developer Sándor Bogyó, a 23-year-old from Budapest, the app was born out of his frustration with looking up unfamiliar phrases in his non-native language while watching shows in English. His experience with Language Reactor, a Chrome extension similar to Wordy, led him to realize the need for a mobile app that would make it easier to use his phone while watching TV or using the computer.

When a user selects an episode from Wordy’s library, the AI analyzes the subtitles, then extracts and lemmatizes each word. Using your phone’s microphone, a custom speech recognition model identifies spoken sentences from the audio coming from the TV or computer. This helps the app find where you are in the episode and follow along, scrolling down the transcript and highlighting certain words that may be difficult for non-native English speakers. When a new word appears, you can quickly glance at your phone for the translation. 

Additionally, there’s a summary page for each episode, allowing you to view every word at once, which are sorted by difficulty level: Proficiency English, Advanced English, Upper-intermediate, Intermediate, Elementary, and Beginner. Wordy also provides the option to save words to your Library and practice them later using digital flashcards.

Image Credits: Wordy

Wordy uses a combination of its proprietary and third-party AI models. Bogyó explained to TechCrunch that it leverages the largest open movie database, TMDB, for film and series data, along with OpenSubtitles.com via their API, which he has found to provide the most accurate and reliable subtitles. 

During our testing, we opened the app on our phone while watching Netflix’s hit TV show, “Wednesday” on a laptop. Wordy pointed out terms like “plagued,” “nefarious,” and “séance,” which are more sophisticated vocabulary that beginners just learning the language may not know. We found that the translations were accurate and easy to understand. 

One caveat is that it’s currently only available in English, whereas rival Language Reactor supports all the major languages. Bogyó assured us that he is working on adding more languages. He plans to integrate Spanish into the app in November, with French and German to follow in the coming months.

“I prefer to maintain quality over rushing the process, so I’m taking the time to ensure each language integration meets my standards for accuracy and user experience,” he said. 

The app costs $2.99 per month or $29.99 per year. An Android version will launch in November. 

We’re about to learn a whole lot more about how the human body reacts to space 

Image Credits: Inspiration4 (opens in a new window)

We could be entering a renaissance for human spaceflight research, as a record number of private citizens head to space — and as scientists improve techniques for gathering data on these intrepid test subjects. 

A sign that the renaissance is imminent appeared earlier this week, when the journal Nature published a cache of papers detailing the physical and mental changes the four-person Inspiration4 crew experienced nearly three years ago. That mission, in partnership with SpaceX, launched on September 15, 2021 and returned to Earth three days later. 

During the mission, the crew experienced a broad set of modest molecular changes, dysregulated immune systems and slight decreases in cognitive performance. But researchers are only able to analyze the data — more than 100,000 health-related data points — because the four-person crew was able to reliably collect it in the first place. 

This is a bigger accomplishment than one might realize. The Inspiration4 crew received plenty of training, in large part with SpaceX, which provided the Dragon capsule for their ride through orbit. But their preparation is still a far cry from that of NASA astronauts aboard the ISS, and who also regularly perform a battery of health tests on themselves. That includes ultrasounds, cognitive tests, biopsies, blood and saliva testing, skin swabs and sensorimotor tests. 

“You can do research with private individuals in space, that is the number one result [of the research],” said Dr. Dorit Donoviel in a recent interview. Dr. Donoviel is co-author of one of the papers published in Nature and associate professor in the Center for Space Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. She’s also the executive director of NASA-funded research consortium Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH), which conducts and funds cutting-edge research to improve human safety in space. 

“I’ll be honest, nobody was sure that we were going to be able to gather a reasonable amount of data, that we were going to be able to implement it, that regular people who have never had exposure to scientific research could do something that we would actually be able to analyze,” she continued, referring to the Inspiration4 mission. 

In some obvious ways, the Inspiration4 crew are far from ordinary: The mission’s leader, Jared Isaacman, is a billionaire that founded a payment processing company when he was 16; Hayley Arcenaux is a physician’s assistant at the world-renowned St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Sian Proctor is a pilot with a PhD who teaches geology at the college level; and Christopher Sembroski is a former U.S. Air Force journeyman whose long career as an aerospace engineer brought him to his current workplace, Blue Origin.

The Inspiration4 crew.
Image Credits: Inspiration4

And yet, they still came to Inspiration4 as spaceflight novices. That meant TRISH researchers had to come up with a testing suite that could be performed with minimal training. The Inspiration4 crew also wore Apple Watches, and the capsule was outfitted with environmental sensors that researchers were able to correlate to the other testing results. Correlating the data is “unusual,” Dr. Donoviel said, but it gave researchers unique insights into how changes in the confined environment affected things like heart rate or cognitive performance. 

Overall, researchers are trying to move toward digitizing testing and making more of the data-gathering passive, to lower the cognitive overhead on the private astronaut. (NASA astronauts also take cognitive tests, but they are using a very old test developed in the 1970s, Dr. Donoviel said.) 

Gathering such information will be critical as the number of private citizens heading to space increases, as it seems almost certainly poised to do in the coming decade. Researchers will be better able to understand the effects of spaceflight on people that don’t fit the mold of the typical NASA astronaut: male, white and in the top percentiles for physical and cognitive performance. But they’ll only be able to do so if the future space tourists are willing to collect the data. 

More data means a better understanding of how spaceflight affects women versus men, or could help future space tourists with pre-existing conditions understand how they will fare in the zero-G environment. The results from Inspiration4 are promising, especially for space tourism: TRISH’s paper found, based on the data from that mission, short-duration missions do not pose significant health risks. This latest preliminary finding adds to existing data that longer-term stints in space — in this case, 340 days — may not be as dangerous as once presumed.

So far, commercial providers ranging from Axiom Space to SpaceX to Blue Origin have been more than willing to work with TRISH, and agreed to standardize and pool the data collected on their respective missions, Dr. Donoviel said.  

“They’re all competing for these people [as customers], but this allows them to contribute to a common knowledge base,” she added.  

This is only the beginning. The rise in non-governmental spaceflight missions raises major questions related to the norms, ethics and regulation of human research in space. While more private citizens are likely headed to space than ever before, will they be interested in being guinea pigs in order to further scientific research? Will a private astronaut paying $50 million for a luxury space tourism experience want to spend their time in orbit conducting ultrasounds on themselves or meticulously measuring their temporary cognitive decline? 

Possibly; possibly not. Last year, Donoviel co-published an article in Science calling for, among other things, the development of a set of principles to guide commercial spaceflight missions. One of those principles the authors called for is social responsibility — essentially, the idea that private astronauts arguably have a heightened social responsibility to advance this research.

“If you’re going to space, you’re resting on the laurels of all of the public funding that has enabled you to go to space. The taxpayers paid for all of those space capabilities that have now enabled you to go to space. So you owe the taxpayers the research,” Dr. Donoviel argued. She added that advances in wearable tech have only lowered the burden on the research participants — not just with the Apple Watch, but with tech like the Biobutton device that continuously collects many vital signs or a sweat patch.  

“We’re not going to make it miserable for you, we’re not going to poke you with a needle, we’re not going to make you do an ultrasound, but wear the Biobutton and put on the sweat patch.” 

The story has been updated to reflect that Dr. Donoviel works at Baylor College of Medicine, not Baylor University, and that NASA’s cognitive tests were developed in the 1970s.

You could learn a lot from a CIO with a $17B IT budget

JP Morgan office in London.

Image Credits: Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

Lori Beer, global CIO at JPMorgan Chase, oversees a massive IT operation that’s bigger than many companies. It involves a 63,000-person team worldwide and a $17 billion yearly budget (at last count), which was about 10% of JPMorgan’s overall revenue last year. It’s moving $10 trillion (that’s a 10 with 12 zeros after it) every single day and is the largest U.S. bank in terms of deposits and online customers.

That’s serious scale involving massive cloud infrastructure services, on-prem data centers, mobile infrastructure, and other assorted digital technology just to run the transactions part of the bank, never mind the rest of the business. It requires a person with tremendous attention to detail to make sure it’s running smoothly, securely and efficiently.

“If you think about just our markets business, the high-speed, real-time processing of those types of things where fractions of seconds matter, that’s all technology driven,” she said.

It takes a huge amount of money and requires building front-end services for customers and back-end services for the company. It needs on-prem data centers and cloud services. It requires innovative startups and reliable, established companies. It demands an operating budget to run in the present and an innovation budget that looks forward to what’s coming.

It’s a case study for every CIO out there, most of whom will never come close to JPMorgan Chase’s scale but who can still learn from how it goes about its business.

Tracking a huge tech ecosystem

“We move $10 trillion a day, and we’ve seen growth in that business. So there is a direct correlation to our tech investments, our products and services, our tech. So there’s just the normal business growth, and then there’s the continued optimization of how we use infrastructure and things like that,” Beer told TechCrunch.

Unsurprisingly, the company is looking at how AI can help manage all this and provide a better customer experience, adding another layer of complexity that every CIO is dealing with these days.

“Then, of course, there’s the new technologies. I mean, AI — as you well know, you wrote about it — is great and is driving a whole new set of volume-driven, compute-related costs, and we’re leaning hard into that,” she said.

When she speaks, she resembles in some ways Amazon CEO Andy Jassy. When he was in charge of Amazon Web Services, he had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the company’s large number of products and services and would speak about them in great detail as though he were seeing a screen in front of him with the information. Beer is the same way, talking about her company’s highly complex technology ecosystem with ease and ticking off all the different areas she has to track and be aware of.

That’s an important aspect of her role: understanding the interconnectedness of all the different parts of her IT budget and how each one affects the others as she builds and maintains the bank’s vast technology stack.

“You can’t really start talking about AI if you’re not in the cloud, if you’re not modernizing your data, if you’re not doing all the foundational stuff,” she said. That has put the bank on an aggressive modernization journey based on a hybrid strategy. Some of the more critical services are running on prem in very sophisticated data centers the company built to handle its unique demands, and some are running in the cloud with the main cloud vendors: Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

And she actually made sure JPMorgan was well set up for generative AI several years before it burst into the mainstream, making sure the company had its data house in order so it could work with large language models. “It was over three years ago that we laid out an AI data strategy and AI strategy,” she said. That involved forming an operating committee to align the data strategy and cloud strategy in part because the most advanced data management capabilities are in the cloud. “So we sort of got a bit ahead of that train,” she said.

Setting up resilient systems

When you have such a sprawling IT infrastructure, it’s more important than ever to have systems of control in place to help manage it all. That requires a framework and a way of working with every service the company provides.

“First and foremost, we have to think about it in the context of: What is the resiliency standard, the essential service, that I need to provide. In some cases, if I have an application or workload that’s not an essential service, moving to the cloud is a lot easier, right? If I have something that requires the highest [level] of resiliency, maybe I run those things in my highly efficient, highly effective, highly protected data centers,” she said.

That means working with the engineers, developers and IT professionals to help them understand the way the company works and adhering to a set of clearly defined standards. “We continue to teach our teams to understand, whether it’s on prem or in the cloud, teaching the engineers how to be accountable for the cost, the security, the scalability and the efficiency of how we build software and leverage infrastructure.”

The company also works with a number of startups to tap into their innovations; Beer has a whole team dedicated to looking for the next big things. “The reason that’s important is we’re so big, at such size and scale, and their whole job is to constantly look at new companies, the evolution of companies, and so at any point in time, we probably have like 200 POCs [proofs of concept] going on. We are continuing to test and learn and we’re in a position to be able to do best in breed, whether it’s cyber technology or something else,” she said.

For Beer, every decision has to involve a timeline to value. Projects with more immediacy have a timeline of one to three years, while projects that require more time to bake get a three- to five-year time horizon. That could include things like the blockchain, AI and even quantum computing, as the company looks for any edge it can get in terms of services provided and efficiencies it can gain.

“We also have to invest in the next horizon, things that are adding value, things where maybe the value is uncertain, but we have to keep looking forward, and we really try to balance our investments across those things.”

We’re about to learn a whole lot more about how the human body reacts to space 

Image Credits: Inspiration4 (opens in a new window)

We could be entering a renaissance for human spaceflight research, as a record number of private citizens head to space — and as scientists improve techniques for gathering data on these intrepid test subjects. 

A sign that the renaissance is imminent appeared earlier this week, when the journal Nature published a cache of papers detailing the physical and mental changes the four-person Inspiration4 crew experienced nearly three years ago. That mission, in partnership with SpaceX, launched on September 15, 2021 and returned to Earth three days later. 

During the mission, the crew experienced a broad set of modest molecular changes, dysregulated immune systems and slight decreases in cognitive performance. But researchers are only able to analyze the data — more than 100,000 health-related data points — because the four-person crew was able to reliably collect it in the first place. 

This is a bigger accomplishment than one might realize. The Inspiration4 crew received plenty of training, in large part with SpaceX, which provided the Dragon capsule for their ride through orbit. But their preparation is still a far cry from that of NASA astronauts aboard the ISS, and who also regularly perform a battery of health tests on themselves. That includes ultrasounds, cognitive tests, biopsies, blood and saliva testing, skin swabs and sensorimotor tests. 

“You can do research with private individuals in space, that is the number one result [of the research],” said Dr. Dorit Donoviel in a recent interview. Dr. Donoviel is co-author of one of the papers published in Nature and associate professor in the Center for Space Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. She’s also the executive director of NASA-funded research consortium Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH), which conducts and funds cutting-edge research to improve human safety in space. 

“I’ll be honest, nobody was sure that we were going to be able to gather a reasonable amount of data, that we were going to be able to implement it, that regular people who have never had exposure to scientific research could do something that we would actually be able to analyze,” she continued, referring to the Inspiration4 mission. 

In some obvious ways, the Inspiration4 crew are far from ordinary: The mission’s leader, Jared Isaacman, is a billionaire that founded a payment processing company when he was 16; Hayley Arcenaux is a physician’s assistant at the world-renowned St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Sian Proctor is a pilot with a PhD who teaches geology at the college level; and Christopher Sembroski is a former U.S. Air Force journeyman whose long career as an aerospace engineer brought him to his current workplace, Blue Origin.

The Inspiration4 crew.
Image Credits: Inspiration4

And yet, they still came to Inspiration4 as spaceflight novices. That meant TRISH researchers had to come up with a testing suite that could be performed with minimal training. The Inspiration4 crew also wore Apple Watches, and the capsule was outfitted with environmental sensors that researchers were able to correlate to the other testing results. Correlating the data is “unusual,” Dr. Donoviel said, but it gave researchers unique insights into how changes in the confined environment affected things like heart rate or cognitive performance. 

Overall, researchers are trying to move toward digitizing testing and making more of the data-gathering passive, to lower the cognitive overhead on the private astronaut. (NASA astronauts also take cognitive tests, but they are using a very old test developed in the 1970s, Dr. Donoviel said.) 

Gathering such information will be critical as the number of private citizens heading to space increases, as it seems almost certainly poised to do in the coming decade. Researchers will be better able to understand the effects of spaceflight on people that don’t fit the mold of the typical NASA astronaut: male, white and in the top percentiles for physical and cognitive performance. But they’ll only be able to do so if the future space tourists are willing to collect the data. 

More data means a better understanding of how spaceflight affects women versus men, or could help future space tourists with pre-existing conditions understand how they will fare in the zero-G environment. The results from Inspiration4 are promising, especially for space tourism: TRISH’s paper found, based on the data from that mission, short-duration missions do not pose significant health risks. This latest preliminary finding adds to existing data that longer-term stints in space — in this case, 340 days — may not be as dangerous as once presumed.

So far, commercial providers ranging from Axiom Space to SpaceX to Blue Origin have been more than willing to work with TRISH, and agreed to standardize and pool the data collected on their respective missions, Dr. Donoviel said.  

“They’re all competing for these people [as customers], but this allows them to contribute to a common knowledge base,” she added.  

This is only the beginning. The rise in non-governmental spaceflight missions raises major questions related to the norms, ethics and regulation of human research in space. While more private citizens are likely headed to space than ever before, will they be interested in being guinea pigs in order to further scientific research? Will a private astronaut paying $50 million for a luxury space tourism experience want to spend their time in orbit conducting ultrasounds on themselves or meticulously measuring their temporary cognitive decline? 

Possibly; possibly not. Last year, Donoviel co-published an article in Science calling for, among other things, the development of a set of principles to guide commercial spaceflight missions. One of those principles the authors called for is social responsibility — essentially, the idea that private astronauts arguably have a heightened social responsibility to advance this research.

“If you’re going to space, you’re resting on the laurels of all of the public funding that has enabled you to go to space. The taxpayers paid for all of those space capabilities that have now enabled you to go to space. So you owe the taxpayers the research,” Dr. Donoviel argued. She added that advances in wearable tech have only lowered the burden on the research participants — not just with the Apple Watch, but with tech like the Biobutton device that continuously collects many vital signs or a sweat patch.  

“We’re not going to make it miserable for you, we’re not going to poke you with a needle, we’re not going to make you do an ultrasound, but wear the Biobutton and put on the sweat patch.” 

The story has been updated to reflect that Dr. Donoviel works at Baylor College of Medicine, not Baylor University, and that NASA’s cognitive tests were developed in the 1970s.

You could learn a lot from a CIO with a $17B IT budget

JP Morgan office in London.

Image Credits: Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

Lori Beer, global CIO at JPMorgan Chase, oversees a massive IT operation that’s bigger than many companies. It involves a 63,000-person team worldwide and a $17 billion yearly budget (at last count), which was about 10% of JPMorgan’s overall revenue last year. It’s moving $10 trillion (that’s a 10 with 12 zeros after it) every single day and is the largest U.S. bank in terms of deposits and online customers.

That’s serious scale involving massive cloud infrastructure services, on-prem data centers, mobile infrastructure, and other assorted digital technology just to run the transactions part of the bank, never mind the rest of the business. It requires a person with tremendous attention to detail to make sure it’s running smoothly, securely and efficiently.

“If you think about just our markets business, the high-speed, real-time processing of those types of things where fractions of seconds matter, that’s all technology driven,” she said.

It takes a huge amount of money and requires building front-end services for customers and back-end services for the company. It needs on-prem data centers and cloud services. It requires innovative startups and reliable, established companies. It demands an operating budget to run in the present and an innovation budget that looks forward to what’s coming.

It’s a case study for every CIO out there, most of whom will never come close to JPMorgan Chase’s scale but who can still learn from how it goes about its business.

Tracking a huge tech ecosystem

“We move $10 trillion a day, and we’ve seen growth in that business. So there is a direct correlation to our tech investments, our products and services, our tech. So there’s just the normal business growth, and then there’s the continued optimization of how we use infrastructure and things like that,” Beer told TechCrunch.

Unsurprisingly, the company is looking at how AI can help manage all this and provide a better customer experience, adding another layer of complexity that every CIO is dealing with these days.

“Then, of course, there’s the new technologies. I mean, AI — as you well know, you wrote about it — is great and is driving a whole new set of volume-driven, compute-related costs, and we’re leaning hard into that,” she said.

When she speaks, she resembles in some ways Amazon CEO Andy Jassy. When he was in charge of Amazon Web Services, he had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the company’s large number of products and services and would speak about them in great detail as though he were seeing a screen in front of him with the information. Beer is the same way, talking about her company’s highly complex technology ecosystem with ease and ticking off all the different areas she has to track and be aware of.

That’s an important aspect of her role: understanding the interconnectedness of all the different parts of her IT budget and how each one affects the others as she builds and maintains the bank’s vast technology stack.

“You can’t really start talking about AI if you’re not in the cloud, if you’re not modernizing your data, if you’re not doing all the foundational stuff,” she said. That has put the bank on an aggressive modernization journey based on a hybrid strategy. Some of the more critical services are running on prem in very sophisticated data centers the company built to handle its unique demands, and some are running in the cloud with the main cloud vendors: Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

And she actually made sure JPMorgan was well set up for generative AI several years before it burst into the mainstream, making sure the company had its data house in order so it could work with large language models. “It was over three years ago that we laid out an AI data strategy and AI strategy,” she said. That involved forming an operating committee to align the data strategy and cloud strategy in part because the most advanced data management capabilities are in the cloud. “So we sort of got a bit ahead of that train,” she said.

Setting up resilient systems

When you have such a sprawling IT infrastructure, it’s more important than ever to have systems of control in place to help manage it all. That requires a framework and a way of working with every service the company provides.

“First and foremost, we have to think about it in the context of: What is the resiliency standard, the essential service, that I need to provide. In some cases, if I have an application or workload that’s not an essential service, moving to the cloud is a lot easier, right? If I have something that requires the highest [level] of resiliency, maybe I run those things in my highly efficient, highly effective, highly protected data centers,” she said.

That means working with the engineers, developers and IT professionals to help them understand the way the company works and adhering to a set of clearly defined standards. “We continue to teach our teams to understand, whether it’s on prem or in the cloud, teaching the engineers how to be accountable for the cost, the security, the scalability and the efficiency of how we build software and leverage infrastructure.”

The company also works with a number of startups to tap into their innovations; Beer has a whole team dedicated to looking for the next big things. “The reason that’s important is we’re so big, at such size and scale, and their whole job is to constantly look at new companies, the evolution of companies, and so at any point in time, we probably have like 200 POCs [proofs of concept] going on. We are continuing to test and learn and we’re in a position to be able to do best in breed, whether it’s cyber technology or something else,” she said.

For Beer, every decision has to involve a timeline to value. Projects with more immediacy have a timeline of one to three years, while projects that require more time to bake get a three- to five-year time horizon. That could include things like the blockchain, AI and even quantum computing, as the company looks for any edge it can get in terms of services provided and efficiencies it can gain.

“We also have to invest in the next horizon, things that are adding value, things where maybe the value is uncertain, but we have to keep looking forward, and we really try to balance our investments across those things.”

You could learn a lot from a CIO with a $17B IT budget

JP Morgan office in London.

Image Credits: Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

Lori Beer, global CIO at JPMorgan Chase, oversees a massive IT operation that’s bigger than many companies. It involves a 63,000-person team worldwide and a $17 billion yearly budget (at last count), which was about 10% of JPMorgan’s overall revenue last year. It’s moving $10 trillion (that’s a 10 with 12 zeros after it) every single day and is the largest U.S. bank in terms of deposits and online customers.

That’s serious scale involving massive cloud infrastructure services, on-prem data centers, mobile infrastructure, and other assorted digital technology just to run the transactions part of the bank, never mind the rest of the business. It requires a person with tremendous attention to detail to make sure it’s running smoothly, securely and efficiently.

“If you think about just our markets business, the high-speed, real-time processing of those types of things where fractions of seconds matter, that’s all technology driven,” she said.

It takes a huge amount of money and requires building front-end services for customers and back-end services for the company. It needs on-prem data centers and cloud services. It requires innovative startups and reliable, established companies. It demands an operating budget to run in the present and an innovation budget that looks forward to what’s coming.

It’s a case study for every CIO out there, most of whom will never come close to JPMorgan Chase’s scale but who can still learn from how it goes about its business.

Tracking a huge tech ecosystem

“We move $10 trillion a day, and we’ve seen growth in that business. So there is a direct correlation to our tech investments, our products and services, our tech. So there’s just the normal business growth, and then there’s the continued optimization of how we use infrastructure and things like that,” Beer told TechCrunch.

Unsurprisingly, the company is looking at how AI can help manage all this and provide a better customer experience, adding another layer of complexity that every CIO is dealing with these days.

“Then, of course, there’s the new technologies. I mean, AI — as you well know, you wrote about it — is great and is driving a whole new set of volume-driven, compute-related costs, and we’re leaning hard into that,” she said.

When she speaks, she resembles in some ways Amazon CEO Andy Jassy. When he was in charge of Amazon Web Services, he had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the company’s large number of products and services and would speak about them in great detail as though he were seeing a screen in front of him with the information. Beer is the same way, talking about her company’s highly complex technology ecosystem with ease and ticking off all the different areas she has to track and be aware of.

That’s an important aspect of her role: understanding the interconnectedness of all the different parts of her IT budget and how each one affects the others as she builds and maintains the bank’s vast technology stack.

“You can’t really start talking about AI if you’re not in the cloud, if you’re not modernizing your data, if you’re not doing all the foundational stuff,” she said. That has put the bank on an aggressive modernization journey based on a hybrid strategy. Some of the more critical services are running on prem in very sophisticated data centers the company built to handle its unique demands, and some are running in the cloud with the main cloud vendors: Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

And she actually made sure JPMorgan was well set up for generative AI several years before it burst into the mainstream, making sure the company had its data house in order so it could work with large language models. “It was over three years ago that we laid out an AI data strategy and AI strategy,” she said. That involved forming an operating committee to align the data strategy and cloud strategy in part because the most advanced data management capabilities are in the cloud. “So we sort of got a bit ahead of that train,” she said.

Setting up resilient systems

When you have such a sprawling IT infrastructure, it’s more important than ever to have systems of control in place to help manage it all. That requires a framework and a way of working with every service the company provides.

“First and foremost, we have to think about it in the context of: What is the resiliency standard, the essential service, that I need to provide. In some cases, if I have an application or workload that’s not an essential service, moving to the cloud is a lot easier, right? If I have something that requires the highest [level] of resiliency, maybe I run those things in my highly efficient, highly effective, highly protected data centers,” she said.

That means working with the engineers, developers and IT professionals to help them understand the way the company works and adhering to a set of clearly defined standards. “We continue to teach our teams to understand, whether it’s on prem or in the cloud, teaching the engineers how to be accountable for the cost, the security, the scalability and the efficiency of how we build software and leverage infrastructure.”

The company also works with a number of startups to tap into their innovations; Beer has a whole team dedicated to looking for the next big things. “The reason that’s important is we’re so big, at such size and scale, and their whole job is to constantly look at new companies, the evolution of companies, and so at any point in time, we probably have like 200 POCs [proofs of concept] going on. We are continuing to test and learn and we’re in a position to be able to do best in breed, whether it’s cyber technology or something else,” she said.

For Beer, every decision has to involve a timeline to value. Projects with more immediacy have a timeline of one to three years, while projects that require more time to bake get a three- to five-year time horizon. That could include things like the blockchain, AI and even quantum computing, as the company looks for any edge it can get in terms of services provided and efficiencies it can gain.

“We also have to invest in the next horizon, things that are adding value, things where maybe the value is uncertain, but we have to keep looking forward, and we really try to balance our investments across those things.”

We’re about to learn a whole lot more about how the human body reacts to space 

Image Credits: Inspiration4 (opens in a new window)

We could be entering a renaissance for human spaceflight research, as a record number of private citizens head to space — and as scientists improve techniques for gathering data on these intrepid test subjects. 

A sign that the renaissance is imminent appeared earlier this week, when the journal Nature published a cache of papers detailing the physical and mental changes the four-person Inspiration4 crew experienced nearly three years ago. That mission, in partnership with SpaceX, launched on September 15, 2021 and returned to Earth three days later. 

During the mission, the crew experienced a broad set of modest molecular changes, dysregulated immune systems and slight decreases in cognitive performance. But researchers are only able to analyze the data — more than 100,000 health-related data points — because the four-person crew was able to reliably collect it in the first place. 

This is a bigger accomplishment than one might realize. The Inspiration4 crew received plenty of training, in large part with SpaceX, which provided the Dragon capsule for their ride through orbit. But their preparation is still a far cry from that of NASA astronauts aboard the ISS, and who also regularly perform a battery of health tests on themselves. That includes ultrasounds, cognitive tests, biopsies, blood and saliva testing, skin swabs and sensorimotor tests. 

“You can do research with private individuals in space, that is the number one result [of the research],” said Dr. Dorit Donoviel in a recent interview. Dr. Donoviel is co-author of one of the papers published in Nature and associate professor in the Center for Space Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. She’s also the executive director of NASA-funded research consortium Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH), which conducts and funds cutting-edge research to improve human safety in space. 

“I’ll be honest, nobody was sure that we were going to be able to gather a reasonable amount of data, that we were going to be able to implement it, that regular people who have never had exposure to scientific research could do something that we would actually be able to analyze,” she continued, referring to the Inspiration4 mission. 

In some obvious ways, the Inspiration4 crew are far from ordinary: The mission’s leader, Jared Isaacman, is a billionaire that founded a payment processing company when he was 16; Hayley Arcenaux is a physician’s assistant at the world-renowned St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Sian Proctor is a pilot with a PhD who teaches geology at the college level; and Christopher Sembroski is a former U.S. Air Force journeyman whose long career as an aerospace engineer brought him to his current workplace, Blue Origin.

The Inspiration4 crew.
Image Credits: Inspiration4

And yet, they still came to Inspiration4 as spaceflight novices. That meant TRISH researchers had to come up with a testing suite that could be performed with minimal training. The Inspiration4 crew also wore Apple Watches, and the capsule was outfitted with environmental sensors that researchers were able to correlate to the other testing results. Correlating the data is “unusual,” Dr. Donoviel said, but it gave researchers unique insights into how changes in the confined environment affected things like heart rate or cognitive performance. 

Overall, researchers are trying to move toward digitizing testing and making more of the data-gathering passive, to lower the cognitive overhead on the private astronaut. (NASA astronauts also take cognitive tests, but they are using a very old test developed in the 1970s, Dr. Donoviel said.) 

Gathering such information will be critical as the number of private citizens heading to space increases, as it seems almost certainly poised to do in the coming decade. Researchers will be better able to understand the effects of spaceflight on people that don’t fit the mold of the typical NASA astronaut: male, white and in the top percentiles for physical and cognitive performance. But they’ll only be able to do so if the future space tourists are willing to collect the data. 

More data means a better understanding of how spaceflight affects women versus men, or could help future space tourists with pre-existing conditions understand how they will fare in the zero-G environment. The results from Inspiration4 are promising, especially for space tourism: TRISH’s paper found, based on the data from that mission, short-duration missions do not pose significant health risks. This latest preliminary finding adds to existing data that longer-term stints in space — in this case, 340 days — may not be as dangerous as once presumed.

So far, commercial providers ranging from Axiom Space to SpaceX to Blue Origin have been more than willing to work with TRISH, and agreed to standardize and pool the data collected on their respective missions, Dr. Donoviel said.  

“They’re all competing for these people [as customers], but this allows them to contribute to a common knowledge base,” she added.  

This is only the beginning. The rise in non-governmental spaceflight missions raises major questions related to the norms, ethics and regulation of human research in space. While more private citizens are likely headed to space than ever before, will they be interested in being guinea pigs in order to further scientific research? Will a private astronaut paying $50 million for a luxury space tourism experience want to spend their time in orbit conducting ultrasounds on themselves or meticulously measuring their temporary cognitive decline? 

Possibly; possibly not. Last year, Donoviel co-published an article in Science calling for, among other things, the development of a set of principles to guide commercial spaceflight missions. One of those principles the authors called for is social responsibility — essentially, the idea that private astronauts arguably have a heightened social responsibility to advance this research.

“If you’re going to space, you’re resting on the laurels of all of the public funding that has enabled you to go to space. The taxpayers paid for all of those space capabilities that have now enabled you to go to space. So you owe the taxpayers the research,” Dr. Donoviel argued. She added that advances in wearable tech have only lowered the burden on the research participants — not just with the Apple Watch, but with tech like the Biobutton device that continuously collects many vital signs or a sweat patch.  

“We’re not going to make it miserable for you, we’re not going to poke you with a needle, we’re not going to make you do an ultrasound, but wear the Biobutton and put on the sweat patch.” 

The story has been updated to reflect that Dr. Donoviel works at Baylor College of Medicine, not Baylor University, and that NASA’s cognitive tests were developed in the 1970s.