One man decided to take on Google Maps; 20 years later OpenStreetMap is still going strong

OpenStreetMap creator Steve Coast

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons (opens in a new window)

From internet protocols and operating systems, to databases and cloud services, some technology is so omnipresent most people don’t even know it exists. The same can be said about OpenStreetMap, the community-driven platform that serves companies and software developers with geographic data and maps so they can rely a little less on the proprietary incumbents in the space. Yes, that mostly means Google.

OpenStreetMap is the handiwork of Steve Coast (pictured above), a University College London “dropout” (Coast’s own words) who has since gone on to work in various map- and location-related roles at Microsoft, TomTom, Telenav and — as of today — Singaporean ride-hailing firm Grab.

Coast isn’t directly involved on a day-to-day basis at OpenStreetMap any more, but in a blog post on Friday marking his creation’s 20th anniversary, he acknowledged two preceding success stories from the open source realm that convinced him that something like OpenStreetMap might have legs.

“Two decades ago, I knew that a wiki map of the world would work,” Coast wrote. “It seemed obvious in light of the success of Wikipedia and Linux. But I didn’t know that OpenStreetMap would work until much later.”

While OpenStreetMap is a little like Wikipedia for maps, the comparison with its encyclopedic counterpart is somewhat superficial. Sure, they are both gargantuan collaborative projects, but there is a world of difference between sharing your geeky knowledge of micronations and mapping out geographic features on a global scale.

Today, OpenStreetMap claims more than 10 million contributors who map out and fine-tune everything from streets and buildings, to rivers, canyons and everything else that constitutes our built and natural environments. The starting point for all this is data derived from various sources, including publicly available and donated aerial imagery and maps, sourced from governments and private organizations such as Microsoft. Contributors can manually add and edit data through OpenStreetMap’s editing tools, and they can even venture out into the wild and map a whole new area by themselves using GPS, which is useful if a new street crops up, for example.

OpenSteetMap editor
OpenSteetMap editor.
Image Credits: OpenSteetMap

As sole creator, Coast was the driving force behind all the early software development and advocacy work, eventually setting up the U.K.-based nonprofit OpenStreetMap Foundation to oversee the project in 2006. Today, the Foundation is supported primarily by donations and memberships, with less than a dozen volunteer board members (who are elected by members) steering key decisions and managing finances. The Foundation counts just a single employee — a system engineer — and a handful of contractors who provide administrative and accounting support.

OpenStreetMap’s Open Database License (ODbL) allows any third-party to use its data with the appropriate attribution (though this attribution doesn’t always happen). This includes big-name corporations such as Apple and VC-backed unicorns like MapBox, through a who’s who of tech companies, including Uber and Strava, the latter tapping OpenStreetMap data for roads, trails, parks, points of interest and more.

More recently, the Overture Maps Foundation — an initiative backed by Microsoft, Amazon, Meta and TomTom — has leaned heavily on OpenStreetMap data as part of its own efforts to build a viable alternative to Google’s walled mapping garden.

There’s little question that OpenStreetMap has been a success these past 20 years, a success that wouldn’t have been possible without the internet and people’s desire to create something valuable that’s owned by everyone.

“OpenStreetMap managed to map the world and give the data away for free for almost no money at all,” Coast notes. “It managed to sidestep almost all the problems that Wikipedia has by virtue of only representing facts not opinions. If OpenStreetMap is a medium, what is the message? For me it’s that we can go from nothing to something, or zero to one.”

Besides affordability and accessibility, there is at least one other good reason why an open map dataset should exist, and it all comes down to the notion of who gets to “own” location. Should corporate juggernauts such as Google really get to control it all? By any reasonable estimation, a location monopoly is not a positive thing for society.

As OpenStreetMap contributor and free software advocate Serge Wroclawski notes: “Place is a shared resource, and when you give all that power to a single entity, you are giving them the power not only to tell you about your location, but to shape it.”

One man decided to take on Google Maps, 20 years later OpenStreetMap is still going strong

OpenStreetMap creator Steve Coast

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons (opens in a new window)

From internet protocols and operating systems, to databases and cloud services, some technology is so omnipresent most people don’t even know it exists. The same can be said about OpenStreetMap, the community-driven platform that serves companies and software developers with geographic data and maps so they can rely a little less on the proprietary incumbents in the space. Yes, that mostly means Google.

OpenStreetMap is the handiwork of Steve Coast (pictured above), a University College London “dropout” (Coast’s own words) who has since gone on to work in various map- and location-related roles at Microsoft, TomTom, Telenav, and — as of today — Singaporean ride-hailing firm Grab.

Coast isn’t directly involved on a day-to-day basis at OpenStreetMap any more, but in a blog post on Friday marking his creation’s 20th anniversary, he acknowledged two preceding success stories from the open source realm that convinced him that something like OpenStreetMap might have legs.

“Two decades ago, I knew that a wiki map of the world would work,” Coast wrote. “It seemed obvious in light of the success of Wikipedia and Linux. But I didn’t know that OpenStreetMap would work until much later.”

While OpenStreetMap is a little like Wikipedia for maps, the comparison with its encyclopaedic counterpart is somewhat superficial. Sure, they are both gargantuan collaborative projects, but there is a world of difference between sharing your geeky knowledge of micronations and mapping out geographic features on a global scale.

Today, OpenStreetMap claims more than 10 million contributors who map out and fine-tune everything from streets and buildings, to rivers, canyons and everything else that constitutes our built and natural environments. The starting point for all this is data derived from various sources, including publicly available and donated aerial imagery and maps, sourced from governments and private organizations such as Microsoft. Contributors can manually add and edit data through OpenStreetMap’s editing tools, and they can even venture out into the wild and map a whole new area out by themselves using GPS, which is useful if a new street crops up, for example.

OpenSteetMap editor
OpenSteetMap editor
Image Credits: OpenSteetMap

As sole creator, Coast was the driving force behind all the early software development and advocacy work, eventually setting up the U.K.-based non-profit OpenStreetMap Foundation to oversee the project in 2006. Today, the Foundation is supported primarily by donations and memberships, with less than a dozen volunteer board members (who are elected by members) steering key decisions and managing finances. The Foundation counts just a single employee — a system engineer — and a handful of contractors who provide administrative and accounting support.

OpenStreetMap’s Open Database License (ODbL) allows any third-party to use its data with the appropriate attribution (though this attribution doesn’t always happen). This includes big-name corporations such as Apple and VC-backed unicorns like MapBox, through a who’s who of tech companies including Uber and Strava, the latter tapping OpenStreetMap data for roads, trails, parks, points of interest, and more.

More recently, the Overture Maps Foundation — an initiative backed by Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, and TomTom — has leaned heavily on OpenStreetMap data as part of its own efforts to build a viable alternative to Google’s walled mapping garden.

There’s little question that OpenStreetMap has been a success these past 20 years, a success that wouldn’t have been possible without the internet and people’s desire to create something valuable that’s owned by everyone.

“OpenStreetMap managed to map the world and give the data away for free for almost no money at all,” Coast notes. “It managed to sidestep almost all the problems that Wikipedia has by virtue of only representing facts not opinions. If OpenStreetMap is a medium, what is the message? For me it’s that we can go from nothing to something, or zero to one.”

Besides affordability and accessibility, there is at least one other good reason why an open map dataset should exist, and it all comes down to the notion of who gets to “own” location. Should corporate juggernauts such as Google really get to control it all? By any reasonable estimation, a location monopoly is not a positive thing for society.

As OpenStreetMap contributor and free software advocate Serge Wroclawski notes: “Place is a shared resource, and when you give all that power to a single entity, you are giving them the power not only to tell you about your location, but to shape it.”

Backed by Microsoft, AWS and Meta, the Overture Maps Foundation launches its first open map data sets

Magnifying glass over map

Image Credits: Malte Mueller via Getty

It’s not often you’ll find Microsoft, Amazon and Meta in the same room, collaborating toward the same goals. But that’s exactly what we have with the Overture Maps Foundation, an initiative to develop interoperable and open map data.

Launched in December 2022, the Overture Maps Foundation is an attempt to counter Google’s stranglehold on online mapping. The Linux Foundation-hosted outfit has been releasing early previews of its data sets over the past year, and the first beta incarnation arrived this April. But on Wednesday, we’re seeing the first formal fruits of this big collaborative effort: The initiative is launching a quartet of open data sets in general availability (GA).

For context, maps are essentially “layers” that can be tailored to many uses. The Overture Maps Foundation is today releasing buildings, constituting 2.3 billion building “footprints” globally; places, which includes some 54 million notable places of interest; divisions, which serves as a visual overlay denoting “boundaries” separating countries, regions, cities or neighborhoods; and base, which covers land and water features such as physical infrastructure (e.g. communication towers, piers and bridges).

The company’s other main dataset, transportation, will remain in beta for now. It is also debuting a new addresses dataset in alpha, which supports 200 million addresses across 14 countries.

There’s a map for that

While Microsoft, AWS and Meta are the highest-profile members of the Overture Maps Foundation, the core steering committee also counts location technology stalwart, TomTom, as a member. Other “general” and “contributor” members include Esri, Hynundai, Niantic and TripAdvisor. Google’s absence from the group is notable, albeit unsurprising given the ultimate goal of the project.

Collectively, the members are pooling myriad data sources, including open datasets from tangential projects such as OpenStreetMap and government sources, their own internal proprietary data, and even data from the main nemesis here, Google.

They can do that because although Google’s mapping data empire is mostly proprietary, it has released some datasets under an open access license, including Open Buildings, released back in 2021. As we can see from this map of the U.S. / Mexico border, the Overture Maps Foundation has used data from OpenStreetMap, Esri, Microsoft and Google.

Building data along the U.S/.Mexican border, collated from multiple sources
Building data along the U.S/.Mexican border, collated from multiple sources
Image Credits: Overture Maps Foundation

It may sound simple to combine data sets, but the reality is somewhat different, as they generally don’t adhere to the same formats, structures and standards. So you might have two largely similar data sets with slightly different purposes that need to be meshed together to integrate their respective benefits. The process of bringing together such data sets is called conflation, and it can be a painstaking process of checking and de-duplication.

“One of the real challenges when you start combining data that’s coming from a lot of different places is, how do you know that this record of a building or an address or a place is the same as this other record?” explained Marc Prioleau, executive director of Overture Maps Foundation, in an interview with TechCrunch. “That seems kind of obvious, but people misspell things or use different names. They could also be slightly misaligned geographically. Conflation plays a big part in [fixing] this.”

Community mapping project OpenStreetMap is playing a huge part in providing data for the Overture Maps Foundation, as do open data sets provided by governments and municipalities. But the third major category particularly notable here is that of the corporate members themselves, which are pooling what they have in-house.

“The best example of this is that Meta took its [Facebook] places data — as you can imagine, every ‘place’ or restaurant has a Facebook page — and shared it with the project,” Prioleau said. “Facebook made an interesting decision there. While it has a competitive advantage in knowing what people like about a place, what they serve, all those pictures and social media posts, simply knowing that the place is there is not a competitive advantage. But if they shared that, and got other companies to share similar data, then we would have the advantage of having a more complete record.”

Prioleau himself has a fairly long history in the mapping and location realm, having worked in related roles at Mapbox, Uber and more recently as head of business development for mapping and location at Meta, a position he left last May to lead the Overture Maps Foundation. He was joined by Amy Rose as technical director in November, meaning the organization has just two full-time employees.

On top of that, the foundation counts around 10 contractors who do everything from marketing to project management, and the host, Linux Foundation, also contributes some engineering support. This is where the member companies enter the fray, contributing around 100 people across engineering and product management, and who might help out some of the time or all of the time, depending on the task at hand.

“When our companies [members] come in, we really emphasize that this is not a spectator sport — it’s a participation sport,” Prioleau said. “So we ask people to go and work on one of the many pieces of the project.”