As Iran-backed groups attack Red Sea ships, investors are backing startups assisting global cargo

Aerial front view Container cargo ship full carrier container with terminal commercial port background for business logistics, import export, shipping or freight transportation.

Image Credits: Suriyapong Thongsawang / Getty Images

Multiple shocks to global supply chains brought about first by the pandemic and more recently by Iran-backed Houthis targeting cargo ships in the Red Sea have shown there’s a need for greater resilience in global shipping. At the same time, the pressure to reduce both costs and carbon footprints continues apace. Quietly, investors are eyeing up tech platforms for ports and cargo ships, which could prove to be a very savvy investment.

There are already several signs this is happening.

Most recently, Portchain — a Danish startup that claims to be a “neutral exchange” for cargo ships and ports, has now raised a $5 million “Seed+” funding round from Angular Ventures. Other investors include MK Ventures, and several former shipping executives.

Portchain works by facilitating constant communication between a cargo ship and a port, acting something like air traffic control to make sure that a ship arrives just at the right time to be docked, rather than waiting outside the port, burning fuel, polluting the atmosphere and racking up costs.

CEO Niels Kristiansen explained the problem to me thus: “The top 10 carriers represent 85% of global volume. But carriers and terminals operate in a very different way. Carriers know how carriers operate and they don’t know enough about how terminals operate, and vice versa. So what happens is that the carrier will arrive at a terminal and will say ‘I have this data system’. And then the terminal says, ‘You’re a carrier so you don’t know how I operate’. In the end, both end up sharing and planning through email, phone calls, and WhatsApp. It’s a mess.”

Instead, long before they’ve reached their destination, Portchain allows ship captains to adjust their speed in order to dock just at the right time, just like a plane landing at an airport. In the meantime, this removes the need to update spreadsheets, emails and PDF documents (which is how many systems are run today).

Portchain claims that as a result, CO2 emissions of up to 14% can be saved, with no modification to the vessels — significant since it is estimated that shipping burns over 117,800,000 tonnes of fuel annually.

And neutrality in these systems is important. Although shipping giant Maersk launched the “Tradelens” project in 2018, it hit problems when it needed rival firms to share data. The venture subsequently shut down last year.

Portchain now claims to have signed up 90 container terminals globally (20% of the world’s terminal capacity) and has signed a five-year agreement with Hapag-Lloyd, the fifth largest shipping line.

However, Portchain isn’t the only player in this field, which is clearly heating up.

PortXChange, which is based in Rotterdam, spun out as a separate project from the Port of Rotterdam and became an independent company in 2019. Its strategic partners include Shell and Maersk.

Heyport in Hamburg was funded and incubated by the local German port operator HHLA.

Then there is, headquartered in Finland.

Awake has so far raised a total of around $12 million according to CEO Karno Tenovuo. He and his team were formerly part of a Rolls Royce unit which looked at “smart shipping.”

With Finnish government funding, Angel and EU backing (but not VC to date) Tenovuo said: “Last year we launched what we call the “Amazon for ports.” This is marketplace functionality. Carriers and ports are using emails and phone calls. So we got funding from the EU to develop this product, which automates the buying and selling of Port services and reporting and invoicing.”

“We match the buyers and sellers automatically. We predict where those products or services are needed then we can recommend all the optimal arrival and departure times and tell the shipping companies what’s their impact in fuel costs emissions,” he added.

However, he said there is “not a lot of overlap” between Awake and Portchain.

Meanwhile, the International Maritime Organisation has regulated that there needs to be a “national single window” for when ships enter an area controlled by a nation. That means more and more technology will have to be employed to assist both carriers and ports.

As Tenovuo says, this “single window” will mean there will be a huge need to “link all the services.”

So, for now, it’s likely that these kinds of services will continue to launch, and continue to keep investors interested.

KTrust launches an automated red team for Kubernetes security

Image Credits: Krit of Studio OMG / Getty Images

KTrust, a Tel Aviv–based security startup, is taking a different approach to Kubernetes security from many of its competitors in the space. Instead of only scanning Kubernetes clusters and their configurations for known vulnerabilities, KTrust is taking a more proactive approach. It deploys an automated system that tries to hack into the system. This allows security teams to focus on real-world attack paths and not just long lists of potential security vulnerabilities. As such, KTrust is essentially a red team in a box — though research firm Gartner prefers to call it “continuous threat exposure management” (CTEM).

KTrust is coming out of stealth today and announcing a $5.4 million seed funding round led by Awz Ventures.

As with so many Israeli security companies, the leadership team is coming in with considerable experience. CEO Nadav Toledo was previously a colonel in the Israeli Defense Forces’ 8200 intelligence unit, where he spent 25 years before starting KTrust. CTO Nadav Aharon-Nov previously was the CTO at cyberintelligence and defense company R-MOR, while COO Sigalit Shavit was previously the global CIO of publicly traded CyberArk. CBO Snir Maizlik complements this group with extensive business experience, including as the CEO of Shanghai-based fashion wholesaler Must Garment Group and as a managing partner at real estate investment firm NOI Ventures. That’s an eclectic group of founders, but as Toledo told me, “everybody brings a different perspective to the board and it’s the very best team.”

As a group, Toledo, Aharon-Nov and Maizlik started brainstorming different ideas for a security startup. The team landed on Kubernetes, which is not necessarily a surprise, given that it’s still a fast-growing ecosystem that many traditional enterprises are only now starting to embrace.

Image Credits: KTrust

“Kubernetes is very complex and it’s very dynamic. We went to organizations and talked to the DevOps teams and CISOs . . . We saw the DevOps teams were struggling — and we also saw the DevSecOps teams struggling because they want them to also be Kubernetes experts — configuring Kubernetes — and on the other hand, be security experts,” Toledo told me.

The team noted that most Kubernetes security solutions took what he called a “passive scanner approach” that focuses on doing static code analysis. But that results in lots of alerts and somebody then has to turn these into a work plan. The idea behind KTrust is to take a very different approach by using an automated red team algorithm that proactively explores attack paths to identify exposures in a Kubernetes-based system. KTrust takes a customer’s Kubernetes infrastructure settings and then duplicates them in a secure sandbox where its algorithms can attack it.

Image Credits: KTrust

The algorithm then mimics real attackers. “By doing this, we find actual attack paths to exploit and you don’t get a list of hundreds of items that are not connected. We show the DevSecOps the validated exploits — and it’s true validation because it was a real attack,” Toledo explained. He noted that when working with a recent client, the passive scanner discovered more than 500 vulnerabilities, but using KTrust’s agent-based system, the team was able to whittle this down to only about a dozen actual attack paths.

Using KTrust, security teams can then see exactly how the algorithm attacked the system. As for mitigation, the service can provide users with recommendations for manual mitigation and in many cases, it can also automate these steps.

It’s worth noting that the company employs a group of security specialists dedicated to uncovering novel attack vectors. The team has already submitted a number of CVEs (common vulnerabilities and exposures) for Kubernetes and Argo CD.

“Our investment in KTrust signifies our confidence in their distinctive Kubernetes security solution, meeting a critical market demand. With this investment KTrust will scale to empower DevSecOps globally in ensuring the secure deployment of their Kubernetes-based applications,” said Yaron Ashkenazi, managing partner at Awz Ventures.