Why valves are a spacecraft engineer's worst nightmare

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch (opens in a new window)

Follow the space industry long enough and you’ll notice that an outsized number of catastrophic failures of satellites or launch vehicles can be traced to a physically small but ubiquitous part: valves.

Valves play a critical role in the spacecraft’s architecture, regulating the flow of pressurents, like helium, and propellants. They can also be found on launch vehicles, and by number they are one of the most common subcomponents in these systems. This reality came into sharp focus this week, when Astrobotic announced that its Peregrine lunar lander would not be able to attempt a soft landing on the moon due to a mission-ending propulsion leak — with likely origins in a valve that failed to reseal.

But Astrobotic is far from the only space company to have a mission cut short by valve issues during testing or on orbit. Boeing faced major mission delays for the second orbital test flight of its Starliner crewed capsule due to valve issues, and back in 2019, SpaceX’s Crew Dragon exploded during a ground test due to a leaky valve in the propulsion system.

“There’s a thousand different ways you can make a valve unhappy,” said Jake Teufert, CTO of Benchmark Space Systems, a Vermont-based startup developing propulsion systems for spacecraft.

Even a thousand might be an understatement. In general, valves are composed of a plunger that needs to reseat itself after being actuated, and that has to close into a seal. “If there are any issues with that, it can close wrong, it can cause leaks,” Grant Bonin, spacecraft designer and founder of gravityLab, said.

But this description is too simple, to the point of being misleading. Aerospace valves must be manufactured to ultra-high precision, be as lightweight as possible and be able to withstand a gauntlet of extremes: extreme temperatures, extreme fluids, extreme vibration environments and extreme pressures — sometimes up to thousands of pounds per square inch. Valves must also have ultra-low leakage requirements; Teufert said that some valves have allowable leakage rates equivalent to leaking only one gram of helium over the course of 200 years.

Complicating things even further are the underlying physical realities with which engineers and valve manufacturers must contend. For example, some fuels and oxidizers are incompatible with certain valve gasket polymers, and chemical incompatibility can lead to problems like corrosion or cracking. Engineers must also be vigilant against “foreign object debris,” or FOD, the tiniest particle of debris or impurity that can clog up a valve or prevent proper sealing. Even small leaks can cause runaway effects, because rapidly expanding gas makes things cold, which can take the valve out of its acceptable temperature range.

Engineers run spacecraft through a host of tests on the ground, but the flight environment can only be matched to an extent, Teufert explained.

“You can certainly throw something on the shaker table and do a [vibration] profile, but you may not be doing that while you’re also fully pressurized and exposed to oxidizer vapors, which is what’s happening in flight,” he said. “Most test houses, if you put a full tank of nitrogen tetroxide on a shaker table, are going to tell you not ‘no’ — but ‘hell no’.”

At the end of the day, engineers are up against an impossibly long list of failure modes and must at some point determine their confidence in the testing. Plus, it’s not uncommon for companies to eat up all of their schedule margin with design, procurement and build, leaving the testing department with the most schedule pressure.

“When you’ve got turnover internally, and when you’re working with a whole bunch of different vendors, it can be very easy to not test adequately, to miss some of these issues,” Bonin said.

It might be tempting to think, why not add an additional valve, so that if one fails to open, there’s a backup? But adding two valves (or any additional subcomponents) can create whole new failure modes that you would never have with one valve.

The other issue is supply chain. Despite the relatively high volumes of spacecraft coming out of SpaceX’s Starlink program, Amazon’s Kuiper, OneWeb and the whole swath of emerging space startups, spacecraft subcomponents are still very, very far from being mass production.

“At it’s core, the problem is that space just is not a mass market,” Bonin said. “Whenever anybody in aerospace talks about mass production, I chuckle, because we do things sometimes in intermediate volume, but we don’t do anything that’s truly mass production. So we’re not the high-priority clients for these companies.” Teufert echoed these thoughts, saying, “As an industry, we are still so much at the point of being artisanal, handcrafted hardware, if it’s anything aerospace specific, and that definitely extends to valves.”

Due to the relatively small volumes of product, manufacturing is still very much bespoke, with many valves made in a very small series for specific propulsion systems or spacecraft. But the competency of suppliers is not necessarily stable over time, because the process is so boutique and relies so much on tribal knowledge.

“If it’s something that they’re making a large, true mass production run of per year, they have great processes and well distributed knowledge as to how to make that valve or other component reliably over time,” Teufert said. “Whereas the weird little aerospace valve that they’re making 10 of per year for this niche market, that is [made by] some guy named Bob, who is in his early 60s, and has one foot in retirement. He’s making these every couple of years and then Bob leaves, and all that tribal knowledge goes out the door because there was no one to come up under Bob. I’ve seen that on a ton of components.”

No doubt this is not true for every program; for example, last summer valve designer and manufacturer Marotta announced it had delivered its 30,000th solenoid CoRe valve to SpaceX. But in other cases, smaller space companies must contend with longer manufacturing timelines at smaller volumes, buy commercial off the shelf or try to finagle a solution in-house.

SpaceX President and COO Gwynne Shotwell with Marotta reps. Image Credits: Marotta

“I can buy the same part twice, but if Jim made Part A and Joe made Part B, even though they’re the same part number, they’re dramatically different quality,” Bonin said. Or if your lead technician had a shitty Monday, they might have skipped a step. There’s just human error everywhere in this stuff.”

Why valves are a spacecraft engineer's worst nightmare

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch (opens in a new window)

Follow the space industry long enough and you’ll notice that an outsized number of catastrophic failures of satellites or launch vehicles can be traced to a physically small but ubiquitous part: valves.

Valves play a critical role in the spacecraft’s architecture, regulating the flow of pressurents, like helium, and propellants. They can also be found on launch vehicles, and by number they are one of the most common subcomponents in these systems. This reality came into sharp focus this week, when Astrobotic announced that its Peregrine lunar lander would not be able to attempt a soft landing on the moon due to a mission-ending propulsion leak — with likely origins in a valve that failed to reseal.

But Astrobotic is far from the only space company to have a mission cut short by valve issues during testing or on orbit. Boeing faced major mission delays for the second orbital test flight of its Starliner crewed capsule due to valve issues, and back in 2019, SpaceX’s Crew Dragon exploded during a ground test due to a leaky valve in the propulsion system.

“There’s a thousand different ways you can make a valve unhappy,” said Jake Teufert, CTO of Benchmark Space Systems, a Vermont-based startup developing propulsion systems for spacecraft.

Even a thousand might be an understatement. In general, valves are composed of a plunger that needs to reseat itself after being actuated, and that has to close into a seal. “If there are any issues with that, it can close wrong, it can cause leaks,” Grant Bonin, spacecraft designer and founder of gravityLab, said.

But this description is too simple, to the point of being misleading. Aerospace valves must be manufactured to ultra-high precision, be as lightweight as possible and be able to withstand a gauntlet of extremes: extreme temperatures, extreme fluids, extreme vibration environments and extreme pressures — sometimes up to thousands of pounds per square inch. Valves must also have ultra-low leakage requirements; Teufert said that some valves have allowable leakage rates equivalent to leaking only one gram of helium over the course of 200 years.

Complicating things even further are the underlying physical realities with which engineers and valve manufacturers must contend. For example, some fuels and oxidizers are incompatible with certain valve gasket polymers, and chemical incompatibility can lead to problems like corrosion or cracking. Engineers must also be vigilant against “foreign object debris,” or FOD, the tiniest particle of debris or impurity that can clog up a valve or prevent proper sealing. Even small leaks can cause runaway effects, because rapidly expanding gas makes things cold, which can take the valve out of its acceptable temperature range.

Engineers run spacecraft through a host of tests on the ground, but the flight environment can only be matched to an extent, Teufert explained.

“You can certainly throw something on the shaker table and do a [vibration] profile, but you may not be doing that while you’re also fully pressurized and exposed to oxidizer vapors, which is what’s happening in flight,” he said. “Most test houses, if you put a full tank of nitrogen tetroxide on a shaker table, are going to tell you not ‘no’ — but ‘hell no’.”

At the end of the day, engineers are up against an impossibly long list of failure modes and must at some point determine their confidence in the testing. Plus, it’s not uncommon for companies to eat up all of their schedule margin with design, procurement and build, leaving the testing department with the most schedule pressure.

“When you’ve got turnover internally, and when you’re working with a whole bunch of different vendors, it can be very easy to not test adequately, to miss some of these issues,” Bonin said.

It might be tempting to think, why not add an additional valve, so that if one fails to open, there’s a backup? But adding two valves (or any additional subcomponents) can create whole new failure modes that you would never have with one valve.

The other issue is supply chain. Despite the relatively high volumes of spacecraft coming out of SpaceX’s Starlink program, Amazon’s Kuiper, OneWeb and the whole swath of emerging space startups, spacecraft subcomponents are still very, very far from being mass production.

“At it’s core, the problem is that space just is not a mass market,” Bonin said. “Whenever anybody in aerospace talks about mass production, I chuckle, because we do things sometimes in intermediate volume, but we don’t do anything that’s truly mass production. So we’re not the high-priority clients for these companies.” Teufert echoed these thoughts, saying, “As an industry, we are still so much at the point of being artisanal, handcrafted hardware, if it’s anything aerospace specific, and that definitely extends to valves.”

Due to the relatively small volumes of product, manufacturing is still very much bespoke, with many valves made in a very small series for specific propulsion systems or spacecraft. But the competency of suppliers is not necessarily stable over time, because the process is so boutique and relies so much on tribal knowledge.

“If it’s something that they’re making a large, true mass production run of per year, they have great processes and well distributed knowledge as to how to make that valve or other component reliably over time,” Teufert said. “Whereas the weird little aerospace valve that they’re making 10 of per year for this niche market, that is [made by] some guy named Bob, who is in his early 60s, and has one foot in retirement. He’s making these every couple of years and then Bob leaves, and all that tribal knowledge goes out the door because there was no one to come up under Bob. I’ve seen that on a ton of components.”

No doubt this is not true for every program; for example, last summer valve designer and manufacturer Marotta announced it had delivered its 30,000th solenoid CoRe valve to SpaceX. But in other cases, smaller space companies must contend with longer manufacturing timelines at smaller volumes, buy commercial off the shelf or try to finagle a solution in-house.

SpaceX President and COO Gwynne Shotwell with Marotta reps. Image Credits: Marotta

“I can buy the same part twice, but if Jim made Part A and Joe made Part B, even though they’re the same part number, they’re dramatically different quality,” Bonin said. Or if your lead technician had a shitty Monday, they might have skipped a step. There’s just human error everywhere in this stuff.”

JAXA Slim lander

Japan's SLIM spacecraft sticks moon landing – upside-down

JAXA Slim lander

Image Credits: The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (opens in a new window)

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Company shared the first image of its lander on the lunar surface, revealing that the spacecraft touched down on the moon upside-down.

It’s a remarkable recovery for the spacecraft, which experienced an “abnormality in the main engine” that affected the landing orientation when it was just 50 meters above the lunar surface, JAXA said in an update Thursday. Despite this abnormality — which resulted in the spacecraft’s solar panels being unable to charge, because they are not oriented properly with the sun — the country nevertheless became the fifth nation ever to pull off a soft landing on the moon.

Even after the main engine was lost, SLIM’s onboard software continued to autonomously guide the spacecraft’s descent. The lander touched down at a speed of around 1.4 meters per second or less, below the design range; but the lateral velocity and orientation were also outside the design range, resulting in the nose-down position.

Remarkably, the lander ended up just 55 meters east of the original target landing site. JAXA officials said that the main purpose of the SLIM mission, which was to demonstrate the pinpoint landing technology to within 100 meters accuracy, is therefore considered a success.

Earlier this week, JAXA officials said the spacecraft had powered down on the surface, as planned, to avoid over-discharge of the batteries connected to the solar cells. The solar cells are facing west, so the agency is waiting to see if they can generate power to the spacecraft once the sun’s beams change direction.

The lander was carrying two rovers; one of the rovers, called Lunar Exploration Vehicle-2, or SORA-Q, is responsible for the photo. The rovers were ejected from the spacecraft before landing.

Officials further said that they are investigating the cause of the loss of one of the two main engines, and that they will provide updates as the investigation progresses. The next time the sun will face westward toward the lander’s solar cells will be in about one week’s time, so we’ll soon know whether a mission recovery is possible.

Rocket Lab logo on building exterior

After rockets and spacecraft, Rocket Lab's next frontier could be applications

Rocket Lab logo on building exterior

Image Credits: Rocket Lab (opens in a new window)

Rocket Lab is exploring possible applications for a satellite constellation that they would build, launch and operate in-house, similar to SpaceX’s Starlink business, as a way of generating recurring revenue, an executive said this week.

“If you look to where we ultimately want to go, in a lot of ways we want to emulate what [SpaceX] has successfully done, which is work their way towards the applications market,” Rocket Lab CFO Adam Spice said. “SpaceX has chosen the consumer broadband and other applications on Starlink for their anchor application in space. We’re evaluating a lot of different constellation application opportunities.”

“Ultimately, we view end-to-end as not just build and launch, but it’s build, launch, operate and generate a recurring revenue stream off of the end customer relationship,” he said.

Rocket Lab has already taken great strides to become a full-service space company: The company flies its small Electron rocket for commercial and defense customers; it is developing a larger Neutron rocket, similar in size and payload capacity to SpaceX’s Falcon 9, which is on track to fly for the first time at the end of this year; and it operates a booming space systems business, which includes products from full satellite buses to spacecraft components, like solar panels and reaction wheels.

Spice’s comments, made at the TD Cowen 45th Annual Aerospace & Defense Conference on February 14, show that the company is looking to vertically expand even further.

In recent months, Rocket Lab has also expanded its work with U.S. government agencies, most notably in its win of a $515 million contract to build 18 satellites for the Space Development Agency. The company leveraged its vertical integration to score that contract, and will be building all of the critical portions of the satellite bus as part of that deal. Where Rocket Lab has the greatest reliance on third-party suppliers is with the payload portion of the spacecraft, Spice said.

But the company wants to close that gap, too. Earlier this month, Rocket Lab announced it had closed a $355 million convertible note offering, and Spice said that the new funding will enable the company to “inorganically work our way into more payload capabilities.”

Rocket Lab leverages vertical integration to land $515M military satellite contract

That means more acquisitions. Rocket Lab has already executed four acquisitions to build its end-to-end capability, but Spice said unequivocally that the company is looking for more.

“Right now is a great time to be shopping because the ability to raise capital for most companies is very, very, very challenging,” he explained. “So we’re seeing some real opportunities […] We see other distressed assets that are quality technology that we can add to our portfolio.”