The Universal Rewards of Passion and Persistence

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What inspires you? Think about it. It’s a tough question. But for people in creative and competitive fields, knowing the answer is a necessity. Because for them, inspiration is essential to success, and anything other than success isn’t an option.

To learn what inspires truly passionate people to power on even when endless obstacles pile up in their path, we reached out to some online influencers in fashion and music.

One common theme among their responses was the emotional reward of inspiring others. Luana Cantuarias is a fashion stylist and founder of the Fashionista Latina blog. The reflection of her efforts in the lives of her followers encourages her to continue chasing her calling.

“My passion is to inspire my readers to believe in themselves, in time it became my purpose. Where there’s love and inspiration you can never go wrong.”

Sarah Blodgett is the creator and Editor in Chief of Everyday Starlet – a beauty blog and YouTube channel built around the idea of helping all women feel like the star of their own movie. When asked what keeps her plugging on, Sarah said:

“In today’s world it is so easy to get discouraged when you’re pursuing your passion.  What keeps me motivated as a beauty blogger and content creator is that I know if I help just one person be inspired to, say, try a bold lipstick that makes them smile, or give themselves a home facial that reminds them that they are worthy of self care then I know I’ve made the world a slightly happier place.”

For some, external motivators are supplemented by a deeper, internal drive that helps them forge on through any hardship. Call it fear of failure or stubborn persistence; some folks just have an indistinguishable fire inside that uses passion as its fuel.

Krystal Faircloth encapsulates this concept. As the founder of A Pinch of Lovely – a style blog and online network of female-empowering fashion handles across Pinterest, Instagram, and beyond – she has her hands full. But she never doubts that she’s on the right path.

“Waking up every morning knowing that I get to do something that I love and that I created on my own keeps me motivated despite any fear and obstacles. There is an irreplaceable joy that comes along with pursuing a passion that constantly reminds me why an entrepreneurial career path was the right choice for me. Remembering why I started and how far I’ve come have always been key reminders when I need to put my challenges and self-doubt into perspective.”

Some of us didn’t discover our calling right away, or had trouble fully focusing on it for all kinds of reasons – financial, physical, geographical. Technology helps sidestep some of those obstacles. With the power of the web, smart devices, and enough motivation, a woman in any career anywhere in the world can make her passions possible.

Kara Franker certainly did. Currently an in-demand writer, TV host, and Editor-in-Chief of a booming travel and lifestyle blog, she’s living her dream. But she hasn’t always been.

“When I was working full-time as an attorney, I longed for a creative outlet and the freedom to break out of the typical four-walled office environment. Even though it’s challenging to run and manage a freelance business, I wouldn’t go back to a regular law job because I now have the flexibility work on projects that I love, from wherever in the world I want to be. And to me, that freedom is priceless.”

Ask passionate people what inspires them, and you’ll also find another common thread: innate curiosity coupled with a common desire to make the status quo conform to them, rather than the other way around.

Alan Cross has been an influential presence in the music industry for decades, sharing his unique perspective with a growing multitude of music lovers. His prolific broadcasts, popular podcasts, and thriving blog are the venues for his distinct voice. Here’s Alan’s take on remaining persistent:

“One of the most valuable assets anyone can have is an unbridled sense of curiosity. If you’re curious, you will inevitably be led to ask two questions: (1) Why are things the way they are? and (2) Why do this HAVE to be the way they are? Those two questions can be powerful enough to drag you through any obstacles or barriers.”

And finally, there’s the power of passion itself; that forceful but ethereal entity. As intangible and ephemeral as it can be, people like these rely on it every day.

Rochelle Fletcher, founder of the Pretty Yellow Things blog, said:

“Passion is what motivates everything for me. If there is no passion there, I am simply not interested. Each obstacle is there to test your devotion, your focus, and your love for what you do. I also truly believe that real talent is fed by passion and that the motivation of a salary can only get you so far. What drives me to push through all my trials and tribulations as a blogger, is that on the other side of those obstacles I get to continue to pursue what I love to do. That in itself is everything to me.”

Alex Weichert, curator of the Teggy French blog, has a similar perspective:

“I absolutely love what I do, and my passion outweighs any and everything.  I don’t view challenges as obstacles, but rather opportunities for growth.”

As bloggers and broadcasters, these influential people are all united by the unlimited possibilities of the modern age. They also share a deep desire to create and express – and they all share their creations and expressions with the world as a way of getting by. It’s a vulnerable way to live, and it can be a harsh world. But as we’ve seen, it can also be deeply rewarding.

Intel is inspired by passionate people, and proud to empower them in return. Our cutting edge technology powers the versatile devices that enable people to pursue their passions past any obstacle. We hope you’ll follow their lead.

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